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Is Team Really Stronger Now


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Sorry, I have heard lots of "the team is stronger in theory this year"

I do not agree. In Peacock we had a target player who could hold and distribute the ball. We don't have that now. We have lost a strong defenceman also.

We are weaker in areas and we have to recognize that.

For Tins to re-sign now is taking the easy way out for him and everybody else.

These players have not found how to play together as a team yet and hopefully that will come sooner than later.

Hate to say it we still need a defender a midfielder and a target man up front.

Sorry, but Miller is not the player.

We will not be goinup and I dont believe we will be going down. Lets get used to that and get behind Tins. To go against him and the team right now is only going to make the situation worse and we will then go down for definite.

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Sorry, I have heard lots of "the team is stronger in theory this year"

I do not agree. In Peacock we had a target player who could hold and distribute the ball. We don't have that now. We have lost a strong defenceman also.

We are weaker in areas and we have to recognize that.

For Tins to re-sign now is taking the easy way out for him and everybody else.

These players have not found how to play together as a team yet and hopefully that will come sooner than later.

Hate to say it we still need a defender a midfielder and a target man up front.

Sorry, but Miller is not the player.

We will not be goinup and I dont believe we will be going down. Lets get used to that and get behind Tins. To go against him and the team right now is only going to make the situation worse and we will then go down for definite.

Peacock was meant to be a target man, fitted the bill perfectly but wasn't.

"We have lost a strong defenceman also", who?? Joe Burnell :rolleyes:

"need a defender a midfielder and a target man up front", In defence we have class players but we're conseeding goals. A target man? We have just bought Heffernan and he's not playing so why spend more money on another Striker??

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