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Today's Game


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Among the best performances ive seen in the past half a decade, and i reallly mean that. The ball was passed around quite fluidly and there was no enourmous need to get the ball upfield, it was taken there with a good mixture of running and short(er) passing. We played to our own tempo and took the game to them.

I was suprised that Murray didn't get that penalty. Anyone got a better view than block H in the atyeo can argue that point!

Wilkshire looked like he had an extra yard of pace about him today, his passing was good too. Not to mention his finishing.

Murray looked more like his normal self in the second half, wasnt quite all there in the first.

Robert's enthusiastic, little more, lacked the ability to beat players, his foresight was poor and finishing was ****.

If tinnion had scored that goal at the end it would have been the best i have ever seen. Phillips looked a little lost, which i wouldn't say usually because I'm a great supporter of his.

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