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City And The Commercial Dpt

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It seems that the commercial department is lacking a few ideas about promoting the club and raising funds.

I know that it is not the done thing to mention Rovers, but look at these links to get some idea of what I mean.

**Flights to a match with the players.

**Limited edition Shirt

**Director for the Day.




It just shows what a little imagination can do.

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Guest jamiebrisc

Well I will be glad to lend my services I am a marketing student due to graduate next year and i love the city!!

I know that I really wouldn't get a job at city, but I can see what you mean about the marketing for city lacking in certain area's, however you do realise that the gasheads have to think more about the marketing as they don't really play much football do they!

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Seems slightly unfair to the Commercial Department in my opinion. Look at the number of none football related events held at the gate over the last couple of years, specifically the concerts, and think about the revenue raised from those.

In terms of resource my guess would be that the team are relatively strectched and probably focus on the areas most likely to bring in the most amount of revenue. I think that getting some Marketing/Business students in on an intern basis might not be a bad idea. Certainaly they would be well placed to try and leverage collateral that was easily available to the club i.e. signed shirts/spare corporate hospitality that could be auctioned or used for competitions (good for driving general awareness). Often this kind of stuff gets overlooked as it's relatively low yield in terms of actual revenue vs. effort. Good experience for an intern though and overall good use of resource.



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Agreed. The club doesn't make the most of colaterial that is easily accessable. Most of this is going to be football related and as you rightly say is about building and maintaining the clubs relationship with fans. However, in my experience it's exactly this kind of stuff that gets missed due to a lack of discernable and measurable results being directly attributable to the activity. Doesn't make it right and I'm only guessing at what the problem might be...

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I have to agree with twoseats I think it's harsh on the commercial side of City, which seems ten times as active as what I can remember it being in the mid 90s.

As far as offering fans chances to do cool things- well there seem to be no end of things for us to do if we want.

Big events- well I remember days when we never had concerts, rugby, boxing, exhibitions etc every few weeks.

I think a lot more goes on at Ashton Gate than we realise. I know over the summer I noticed signs outside AG to some public debate that was taking place at the ground. These things probably go un-noticed but bring in money to the club to pay the bills etc. As do PrimeTime, WinningPost etc etc

Sure Richard Gould and Colin are always eager to hear of new suggestions etc- but don't make the mistake of thinking they aren't thinking of new things themselves. I can only really compare to how I remember City operating mid90's (pre Davidson revolution) and the club have come on LLOOAAADDDSSS since then.

Genuinely think the club's structure/activites/running is finely tuned at the moment. It's just trying to get that off-pitch success to jump the gap to the pitch and get that working as smoothly. Somehow it's there that money/success has always seemed to be lost.

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I think that many clubs would be envious of what City have done too.

Since Davidson transformed the image of the club, we have progressed.

Off field activities have increased & more importantly so has revenue.

But the postive issue here is that the Commercial department are always looking for more ideas/activities to increase revenue & fan satisfaction.

They want to market the club more & realise that the brand will need developing.

Constructive views are always welcome either direct to Richard Gould, or I can raise them at forthcoming FCC meetings.

BCFC = One Voice = Fans participation.

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