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Do Players Like Getting Sent Off?

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It just amazes me that in football you can play badley under perform fail to clear a shot when defending, and fail to put the ball in the back of the net when attacking.

If when you attended work,college or school and under performed.

Would your place of work suspend you on full pay and still let you come back to your place of employment or college with out any come backs

So if you get sent off after only a few minutes strange you can still pick up your wage packet yet not contribute anything to your employers(the football club)

or the shareholders(the fans)

The reason I have posted this was the conduct of Wayne Rooney

If you have a chance or have already seen it see how he pushes away a player and then walks towards the touching before looking at uhria reneh.

Thinking he was going to produce a red card

Then the touch line staff say go back on

Maybe Rooneys thinking is why should I have my legs marked for life for doing my job.

Just a thought on why players get sent off for stoopid actions

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But the you have to look at players who get away with things on the pitch week in week out. For example Alan Shearer if you spoke to one of your bosses the way he talks to a referee every week would youu be allowed to get away with it? Just goes to prove the bigger you are the more scored of you the club are. I mean Newcastle would fine younger players for swearing at a referee but not Mr.Shearer.

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