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Listening to todays game on the radio. It seems hes let in another soft goal(their 1st). This bloke needs some serious competition. I made a point of following the commemtry closely to see if Phillips would come for a cross or corner. Not once did i hear anything of the sort. Once again, this man needs some serious competition. :city:

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Listening to todays game on the radio. It seems hes let in another soft goal(their 1st). This bloke needs some serious competition. I made a point of following the commemtry closely to see if Phillips would come for a cross or corner. Not once did i hear anything of the sort. Once again, this man needs some serious competition. :city:

I think you need to look back at the last few games when he has made fantastic saves. Leave the guy alone he is are last resort the 10 in front need to help

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Goalkeeper who let in the least number of goals in the Nationwide last season, end of story.

Who would we replace him with anyway? we have two other keepers, Stowell is 39 and hasn't played a league game since 2002 and Davis has let in 13 in 4 reserve games so far, I believe.

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Guest east_dundry_red

No Its not ONE soft goal i can now count 3 AT LEAST

Bournemouth away he could of easly save their 1st. Swindon at home he could of saved their 1st now he does the same today.

Get a new keeper and and chuck him out. Might wake him up.

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No Its not ONE soft goal i can now count 3 AT LEAST

Bournemouth away he could of easly save their 1st. Swindon at home he could of saved their 1st now he does the same today.

Get a new keeper and and chuck him out. Might wake him up.

I'd be amazed if even we could afford to have FOUR keepers on our books.

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Hes let in more than one soft goal. How about that balls up against swinedon (2nd goal) the other week. What about bournemouths 1st a few weeks ago. There is no denying hes a good shotstopper but he cannot command HIS area. He rarely comes for crosses and always is rooted to his line on corners.

Did you not see swinedons 1st goal the other week. I shall explain.

As the swinedon player is preparing to take the corner, phillips is around by the penalty spot waving his arms about like some deckhand off an aircraft carrier. Just as the corner is being taken, he quickly rushes back to his line. Now correct me if i'am wrong but hasn't he got this slighty the wrong way around. Surely you come off your line to try and collect the ball coming in.

Like i said, he doesn't command his area and it puts the onus on the defence to always defend the crosses. Some may say fair enough but phillips has one advantage in this department and that is he can use hands. No wonder we always concede from corners, the defence will lose out sooner or later. Like i said, he needs some serious competition but your pikey like intelligence fails to realise this.

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I wouldn't say his shot stopping is the problem and I wouldn't say he was at fault for the first goal, seemed to do well to get anything to it. The thing he does lack is presence in the box, we have conceded something like 10 headed goals this season with 6 of the being inside the 6 yard box which isn't good and most of which have come from set pieces.

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Thats helpful, I'm sure he really needs that. Who cares he won us the game against peterborough, he let in one soft goal. GIVE HIM A BREAK. harsh unnecessary critism despite what your pea sized brain may think does not help.

ARe you crazy ? Where have u been the last few months? or years if u have been watching carefully, which i doubt very much.

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I think he is far happier punching,the rule for a Keeper is either catch or punch at the highest point of the cross so know one else can get there,Phillips is tall he should be able to command his own box.If came as far as the penalty spot this would help the defence.

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After the match when Tinnion was interviewed he said, about Phillips and the 1st goal, 'I would have expected him to do better'.

It seems that he does need decent competition. he must know that his place has been safe for a while as we have 'keepers that are either coming to the end of their career or young and inexperienced. Surely players need some motivation besides the money and the glory. A player breathing down your neck, eager to get in the team would not let you get complacent.

Yes he was voted 2nd Division goalkeeper of the year, or something like that. I can't see it happening again this year at the moment. So who's fault is that? The defence, the rest of the team, the tactics,the manager, the fans or steve himself?

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The bottom line is Phillips is left exposed at every set piece, because our defence cant seem to cope in front of him. He's the best shot stopper in the divison, but Swindon say the same about Rhys Evans "great shot stopper" but doesn't command his area. It seems at this level thats the best we can hope for, unless we pay huge wages for a keeper from a higher division? :city:

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Guest bristolbred
After the match when Tinnion was interviewed he said, about Phillips and the 1st goal, 'I would have expected him to do better'.

Excuse me, Brian, i'd of expected ALL the players under your management to try harder to earn the money that they are paid!!.

Have you NOT learnt from your past master's mistakes??. Even with our winning steak last season, we were poor from set pieces, lost any type of airial battle in midfield, and 12 months on, with new blood for old on our squad, we are playing the same type of football, letting in the same goals from the same defensive mistakes!!.

What Steve Phillips needs is a good goal keeping coach, who will teach him to command his area, and the back four with more aploumb!!.

I think that your first quartily report from the fans will be "Must Try Harder!!".

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I think we should get off phillips back , he is the best goalkeeper in this division , NONE of the goals yesterday were his fault , (maybe the first one a bit because he was in the middle of shouting head it away!!) they were all down to the fact that our defenders stand and watch as the man they are supposed to be marking heads the ball home. Our problem is that we let the opposition get the crosses in , 3 of the goals yesterday we could have stopped them from getting the ball in , we know defending high balls in the air is our weakness , why let the other team use this?? :city:

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Having watched the goals on sky its a bit harsh to be blaming Philips. Perhaps he could have done better for the 1st goal but having watched all of football league goals on sky there were numerous other goals conceded by teams which were MUCH more the goalkeepers fault. All of those teams did not go on to concede 4. The other 3 goals could not philips fault. If Coles and Butler cannot defend crosses THAT is where the blame lies. WE need a centre half (or two) who can defend crosses. Week after week this (and last) season we have conceded from crosses. But how many do we score from? not many.

If your players are not the type to get in there where it hurts on corners and free kicks then you will not stop conceding from crosses. Similarly you will not score from crosses.


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Guest mrdjames73

So what about the four defenders infront of him who are suppose to protect him,the goal against Swindon was a cross that matty hill should have dealt with but as it happened he did't. Maybe Phillips doesn't inspire confidence but until we get better in there is nowt we can do about it. However he cant be as useless as the Palace keeper.

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Look at you all complaining. Phillips is a great goalie and it's thanks to him in certain games that we've walked away with a point or more. We are lucky to have him as I keep telling you all, so let's give the guy a break. I think you'll find he made his 200th league start so we should be congratulating him.

Phillips of England!! :city:

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I think we should get off  phillips back , he is the best goalkeeper in this division , NONE of the goals yesterday were his fault , (maybe the first one a bit because he was in the middle of shouting head it away!!) they were all down to the fact that our defenders stand and watch as the man they are supposed to be marking heads the ball home. Our problem is that we let the opposition get the crosses in , 3 of the goals yesterday we could have stopped them from getting the ball in , we know defending high balls in the air is our weakness , why let the other team use this?? :city:

No he isnt the best goalie, otherwise he would have gone by now. End of story, no one gets to keep the best player in a certain position in this league. Just look at the past.

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Stevie has been our saviour on numerous occasions.

Everyone makes mistakes - even world class players like Buffon, Cudicini and co...

Its a joke to be saying that you should drop players because of mistakes, instead of picking out all the negatives, why not tr looking at the positives for once.

Football is a team game and every player has a role to play...

Its all to easy to say we conceded a goal because of Stevie, what about the player who feails to make a perfect tackle, or the player who loses possesion.

We can't go far better than Stevie and some pretty decent clubs have been interested in him during his years with City ... surely that must tell you something?!!!

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Stevie has been our saviour on numerous occasions.

Everyone makes mistakes - even world class players like Buffon, Cudicini and co...

Its a joke to be saying that you should drop players because of mistakes, instead of picking out all the negatives, why not tr looking at the positives for once.

Football is a team game and every player has a role to play...

Its all to easy to say we conceded a goal because of Stevie, what about the player who feails to make a perfect tackle, or the player who loses possesion.

We can't go far better than Stevie and some pretty decent clubs have been interested in him during his years with City ... surely that must tell you something?!!!

What clubs have u been in personal contact with?

His mistakes are starting to out weigh the good things, which have been highlighted alot this season. WHen this happens e.g. david james people start to be dropped. But not Phillips.

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