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I know I'm not the only one but are all the kiosks that bad?

At the Portsmouth game I waited for 10 minutes and was then greeted by a foreign woman, I couldn't understand a word she said and she couldn't understand a word I said. The cheese and onion pies sold out and all was left was sausage rolls, by this point I was starving hungry and just bought it. I was then short changed by 2 pounds and had to rejoin the queue again, by the time I got my money back my food was stone cold and when I tried to eat it, it was rock hard. In frustration I just ate what was edible and threw the rest away, after missing quite a part of the game.

The effecieny towards the beginning of the Everton game in the Williams was terrible. After waiting with my friend missing the first 5 minutes of the game, we were again meeted by a foreign woman and this time it seems she couldn't understand a thing we said or just plainly wasn't lsitening. We asked for 2 hot choclates and when we had got back to our seats discovered we were given bovril instead. Fortunately they did swap them for us at half time.

Today was absolutely pathetic. I went to join my friend (jess lvz goodfellow)in the queue. We were again greeted by a foreinger but to be honest I don't think he could speak ior understand plain English. After a couple of attempts he knew what we ordered and went to get it, walking straight past the drinks he just stood there for about 5 minutes, meanwhile I lent over the counter pciked up a drink and the bloke behind us filled iT up with hot water - (thanks by the way!!!).

I know it's petty but are we the only ones who have to put up with this??

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Guest ~X~BcFc_BaBe~X

ok clare, I'm in total agreement!

today did not make me happy, after several attempts the bloke could just about understand what i said, then walkd off and left me stood there for 10 minutes, he then returns wif no hot chocolate,so lookin around i seen hot choclate cups there,and thanks to the bloke behind me, i made my own drink! half way through making my drink the bloke behind the counter returns,mumbling somtheing which i did not understand a word of, kindly i payed for my drink and waited for my change,when he returned he slammed my change down as if i had done something wrong,also i do belive they are supposed to take the tops of the bottles? well cani jus add this job was not done properly as the 3 ladz infront of me that brought coke bottles did not have their lids removed! everytime i get there, there is someone different behind the counter,and i have watched them many a time, and none of them no how to ue the till,and they cannot understand a word of what you are saying!


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Today in the Williams stand at half time we had no tea or white coffee, I can understand this as they don't stay fresh long and may go out of date. Whilst in the queue there was 3 people who returned food for not being warm enough and they ran out of hot dogs. The bloke that served me I felt sorry for, he was called today and told to work at the gate and had no training or anything. It's an absolute joke and a shambles and the club are loosing far to much money which is why I can't understand why they aren't doi9ng anything about it

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I posted a complaint about the complete lack of service from the catering franchise on the Steve Lansdown forum after the Swindon game. All of the points raised above were evident then and included in my post, it seems that despite being told that steps would be taken, nothing has changed, absolutely appalling.

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It's a well known fact that the service(albeit for less people)and the food(pasties,I love'em)and people( who speak english)is much better-and cheaper at the minimal stadium,so why not transfer caterers.Is it rocket science,don't think so ,if it don't work and down the city ground it is very poor then change it.Please.

I only ever buy from the £2.60 cheeseburger van outside,it's a rip off but a lot better that's what's on offer inside the ground.

Sad really ain't it.

Sat down but still being treated like second class citizens.

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It's a well known fact that the service(albeit for less people)and the food(pasties,I love'em)and people( who speak english)is much better-and cheaper at the minimal stadium,so why not transfer caterers.Is it rocket science,don't think so ,if it don't work and down the city ground it is very poor then change it.Please.

I only ever buy from the £2.60 cheeseburger van outside,it's a rip off but a lot better that's what's on offer inside the ground.

Sad really ain't it.

Sat down but still being treated like second class citizens.

Down there they have a company called Proper Cornish pasties and they are nice (they can be bought in Sainsburys), but by all accounts they are only slightly cheaper for sagheads at there dump than in Sainsburys cold on the chilled counter. But then they do always win rewards for their pasties.

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I bought a steak and kidney pie at the Everton game in the Williams that was so hot the foil had started to melt.

That burger van is much better. I am suprised they allow people out of the ground.It wud be so easy to get in for the 2nd half for free.

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