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An Open Letter....


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Dear Mr Maguire

Firstly may I apolagise for all the critics that are already doubting you when they know nothing about your main intentions to buy into Bristol City Fc. I'm one of the few supporters who would be over the moon to see a complete breathe of fresh air pumped into this club, for as the last 12 years most supporters have had to put up with shocking players, rubbish results, several different managers and player signings most of which have got the club no-where.

You say your intentions are to come in and just clear the debts and creat £30 odd million for the club... If this is the case then I'm right behind you. Football today is all about taking gambles. Lets take a gamble on getting upto the Premiership, having huge attendeces, having experienced managers at the highest levels, having 30 odd goal strikers, having competition for goalkeepers. You could well be exactley what this club needs.

Please don't listen to fickle supporters like the one in the first post. They have the belief that we are going to get places with the current setup we have, but boy are they wrong, indeed they have been saying this for the past 6/7 years. At the moment we are nothing more than a league 1 side and just because we can match Everton in a cup tie it does not give us the right to be playing at a higher level. When Mr Davidson was in charge and on the board he took gambles, got us upto the first division where we only lasted one season. This was because I believe that little bit of extra money we lacked up in division 1 was the cause for our relegation. But i'd be quite happy for you to come in and put your money where your mouth is.

Many thanks, BristolCityUp

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Great post redsontour , bristolcityup are you really a city fan because some of your comments baffle me sometimes you really do! If this maguire takes over we wont have a club in 5 years let alone be in the premiership , are you and mr maguire related?? Because you both have no sense of reality. I will respect your opinion because thats what this forum is about ,opinions. But sometimes you just seem out to wind your fellow city fans up and i don't understand it.

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Excellent post by redsontour.

One thing worries me though - what if he's genuine?

When the Chelsea fans first heard that a Russian billionaire was going to come in, buy the club and invest hundreds of millions, their thoughts must have been similar to what were thinking now.

I,ve been supporting this club for over 40 years and it,s always been the same, big club, lots of potential but never able to attract a big time investor, therefore I feel that before we start slagging this guy off we should leave it to the "experts" (our current board)to hear what he proposes and then act accordingly.

I too am cynical about the proposal but we neeed financial help from somewhere. Obviously the clubs exsistence must not be put in jeopardy and unless one of the current board or Scott Davidson would be chairman (which is highly unlikely) then the whole thing should be abborted without discussion.

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Hmm, interesting to note that, while supporting Mr Maguire, BristolCityUp has a picture of Ricky Gervais at the bottom of his post.

Wasn't he the man who created a comedy character whose supposed business knowledge was cruelly exposed and ended up losing his job and any vestige of credibilty as he was shown to be a b***shitter whose awareness of marketing and promotion was paper thin?

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What annoys me is how once again you are already pre-judging Mr Maguire when he could actually be the saviour to our club.. Its funny how some people are saying "we'd welcome his £30 million but he's an idiot and hasnt got City in his heart", which is a bit unfair as he's a life long city fan and wants to see city get out of this division, probably more than some of you posters. I knew my posting would get alot of critics but I'm posting as a fan who only wants the best for the club.

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Well, I suppose there's two ways to look at this.

1.If JM can raise the money and the existing shareholders want to sell.Then, there's very little any of us can do apart from turn up or not.

2.The money is the big "IF" because I could write a business plan and declare an interest.

3.Investots & Backers, as opposed to Jack Walker, Roman Abramovich, John Majdeski, type, benefactor, will want to see a return on investment and football isn't where I'd put my cash for a return, unless it was Man Utd and, ladies and gents, however much I love this club, we ain't Man Utd and never will be!

We could however, be a Southampton, with a new ground to attract more fans, not forgetting that you could attract 5-10,000 away fans on a regular basis in the premiership and, at a guess an average of around 2/3,000 away fans in the Championship.

If you're an investor, it's difficult to see a return.If you're a benefactor and I don't think that JM is claiming to be one, it still doesn't make sense, the difference is, you're not worried :o

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he's a life long city fan

Since he's supported City since 1991, that would make him 13 years old.

Some were saying Maguire's initial "research" looked like a wind up, after reading this interview I'm even more convinced it is the case. The man clearly knows nothing about the club at all. What I dislike most is the continual referral to "franchises". No real football fan would ever want their sport to be talked about like that. Look at MK Dons/AFC Wimbledon if you don't believe me.

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Mr Mcguire: If you are a fan as you say, and as I understand it live locally, how is it that your last game attended was the Baaadiff Play Off Final??

There are many fans here, who live a lot further away than you, that have attended most if not all the home games and several away ones too.

I wonder if you'd care to comment, as for one I get stick for being an alleged part time fan, and I've attended 3 games this season so far. I do not earn anything like the money you will, so I think its worthy of a serious answer.

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He wants to take the wage bill to £15m in two years.....think about it....how the hell are we to increase turnover enough to fund this? I for one certainly couldn't (not wouldn't) afford to pay double for my season ticket and I'm sure I wouldn't be alone. The sums don't add up and McGuires plans certainly don't have the long-suffering supporters true interests at heart. I really don't know what his intentions for our club are....maybe he has some developers interested in the land!

Keep him away from our club.....I for one would be more than happy to SEE this club progress slowly than to not be able to see them fall apart at the seams financially when it all comes tumbling down.

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and wants to see city get out of this division, probably more than some of you posters

Yes, you are right, your post will get a lot of critics. And you deserve them.

Most posters are not "pre-judging" Maguire. There is enough information in his press statements, his woeful "business case" document and his Incider interview to know that this man is bad news. There are a lot of carefully argued posts explaining this. We all want success, but we also want a club to support in five years time.

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Guest bristolbred
When the Chelsea fans first heard that a Russian billionaire was going to come in, buy the club and invest hundreds of millions, their thoughts must have been similar to what were thinking now.

What will happen at Chelsea, if the Russian Government investigate Mr Abramovich's financial dealings, as He is spending what in reality could be money destined to the people of Kamchatka, in West London!!!.

Other people in Russia's vast oil and gas companies are being arrested for financial wrong doings, and who's to say the Chelski's Messiah isn't going to be next on the list!!.

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Guest bristolbred
Please don't listen to fickle supporters like the one in the first post.

With (no) respect, call me romantic, call me idiotic, call me shirley, but don't you even dare to call me fickle...

Dear Redsontour,

You are the most fickle fan whose comments i have ever had the chance to read in the forum.

Sincerley yours,

Bristolbred, :o

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Guest ashtonyate

I don't know if he will buy the club or not. He is right to say this club has not punched it wait for over 25 plus years and to under line the many faults that seem to hand and hand with the city.

The present board have done a reasonable job but do not have the money to put us up where the City belonges. So if you get some one who many be able to do that, he should be given a fair crack of the whip and listen too.Its up to the board to see if it has a chance of working. whilst making shore the club is not put at risk.

If you look at Bolton who we beat in the L D V final at Wembley a few year ago they have a new ground, and in the prem, take Norwich, back in the prem again we should be a bigger club than them

Getting post like the the one that started this thread off is so silly. Give him a chance to put foward his ideals it cost nothing to listen

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I don't know if he will buy the club or not. He is right to say this club has not punched it wait for over 25 plus years and to under line the many faults that seem to hand and hand with the city.

The present board have done a reasonable job but do not have the money to put us up where the City  belonges. So if you get some one who many be able to do that, he should be given a fair crack of the whip and listen too.Its up to the board to see if it has a chance of working. whilst making shore the club is not put at risk.

If you look at Bolton who we beat in the L D V final at Wembley a few year ago they have a new ground, and in the prem, take Norwich, back in the prem again we should be a bigger club than them

Getting post like the the one that started this thread off is so silly. Give him a chance to put foward his ideals it cost nothing to listen

I mnow that he won't buy the club as he doesn't have the money and it won't be him in charge anyway.

But the rest of your post makes sense, i am very cautious but i have no beef with letting the guy say his piece, his methods are frankly rediculous and his business plan was ****, but if he can somehow concince thes people to part with the cash on terms of if it goes wrong you loose the lot, then fine, let him have a go, but i seriously doubt it.

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