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We're Really Not Good Enough


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:( As my title so aptly puts it we really aren't good enough. In fact I'd say we're the worst we've been for a couple of years. But just who's fault is it?

I'd have to say the buck must rest with Danny Wilson. Up until this season I was in ore of Danny and believed that he really had his head screwed on when it came to team selection and tactics. However, the later part of last season and the whole of this season so far he has been pretty woeful. In fact I'd go as far as saying totally inept.

I can't really put my finger on the reason for this turn around in fortunes. Has Danny been pulling the wool over our eyes? Scotty saved us last season and if I'm being honest we didn't really play attractive football, we just found scott on the right and sat back and watched. Does Danny know what his best team is and if he does he seems a bit shy of playing them. The most important part of the team is midfield and our midfield has been like a merry-go-round. Why are Joe and Tommy on the bench. Why is Wilkshire in the centre? Why is Tinman and Wilkshire in the middle? Why is Christian Roberts on the bench? and why oh why oh why is Tony Butler on the bench?

Our team could be exactly the same as last season with the exception of SM. However, we are ten times worse! Why? I can't answer most of these questions. Infact I'm sure none of you can. Danny Wilson obviously can't.

Unless we go back to the basics and get a settled team we're not going anywhere for a couple of years!!

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Quite true, we're turning into an average 2nd division team.

We're having the same sort of troubles as Liverpool are having this year. DW is actually quite like Gerrard Houllier: both took over teams who should be going for the top few places in respective leagues, but after a few years of "building", they've both ended up worse than where they've started. Maybe we could swap and see if it made a difference :how funny:

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