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Brief Thoughts On The Game.

Maesknoll Red

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A fairly disjointed affair in the first half with a lot of possesion conceded, but with MK posing virtually no threat either, a poor game looked on the cards. One incident that bemused spectators and players alike, Referee Ross called on the physio to attend a player near the edge of the MK box. Once the treatment was finished he brought the ball back near the half way line (by the MK dugout) called two City players in and dropped it - Scott Murray didn't know what to do with it, but he wasn't the only one, Ross eventually indicated Scott could play on, keeping possesion.

Some wasteful runs by Scott were forgotten when he latched onto Gillespe's clever flick on and supplied Lita with a low driven cross for the first goal (44 mins).

Second half saw Harley replacing Doherty ( who hadn't had the best of games) and within 5 mins of the restart City were awarded a penalty, Mickey Bell (making his 300th appearance) wanted to take it and didn't seem to chuffed when Gillespe picked up the ball and made it clear he wanted it. Gillespe got his way and the giant keeper saved with his legs. Within a minute or two Scott Murray had jinked his way past the defence and fed Lita another low driven cross, which Lita buried. Dining had two fine chances, both saved by the keeper, who warrants a mention, he is bloody huge, just the sort of keeper you need to keep the ball low. He looks more than adept at any shot / cross with height in it.

Scott Murray was subbed, as was Lita, Murrays replacement, Anyinsah looked lively and showed some good link up play with big Kev at RB. Young Dave Cottrill showed willing and looks maturer than his 16 years.

MK's goal was a cracker, broke down the left, a great cross spectacularly despatched with an overhead kick ( and the guy had been on for approx 30 seconds).

From what looked like a stinker of a lowly cup tie in the first 44 mins, blossomed an entertaining game, with a reasonable look at some of the emerging talent.

Phillips - 7. No chance with the goal, comfortable during the rest of the game.

Amankwah - 7. Some good forward runs, not a complete performance, but plenty to suggest that he is returning to the sort of form that won him so many plaudits early in his career.

Coles -7. Steady performance, still off his best though

Hill - 7. Another committed and confident performance from Matty.

Fortune - 7. Nothing spectacular, but coped well with the LB role.

Murray - 8. Instrumental in both goals

Dining - 6. Still settling in, I'd like to see more, hopfully this will come with match fitness and familiarity with his teamates.

Doherty - 4. Was he fit? One for Tommy to forget

Bell - 6. Has he lost his pace, Mickey played deep, not offering the same attacking outlet as Murray did on the right, but he gets a 6 for his defensive work.

Gillespe - 6. Had penalty saved, was slow in releasing the ball (greedy) on several occasions, but worked hard and showed, in flashes, the talent he obviously has.

Lita - 9. MOM, two well taken goals and took resposibility as the 'senior' man, harrying the Mk midfield, wining flick-ons and closing down when they tried to bring it out of defence.


Harley - 6. An adequate replacement for TD at the start of the second half, another young 'un who looks maturer than his years and lack of first team experience.

Anyinsah - 6. Took a little while to find his feet, but was then beating the defence a la Murray.

Cottrill - 6. Hard to come on and step into the on fire Lita's shoes, but in the short time he had, he impressed with his attitude and he certainly seems to have a 'footballing brain'.

Some of those player marks would have been lower, if the last 46mins had been as frustrating as the first 44, but they got there in the end against a fairly big and physical team.

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A fairly disjointed affair in the first half with a lot of possesion conceded, but with MK posing virtually no threat either, a poor game looked on the cards. One incident that bemused spectators and players alike, Referee Ross called on the physio to attend a  player near the edge of the MK box. Once the treatment was finished he brought the ball back near the half way line (by the MK dugout) called two City players in and dropped it - Scott Murray didn't know what to do with it, but he wasn't the only one, Ross eventually indicated Scott could play on, keeping possesion.

Some wasteful runs by Scott were forgotten when he latched onto Gillespe's clever flick on and supplied Lita with a low driven cross for the first goal (44 mins).

Second half saw Harley replacing Doherty ( who hadn't had the best of games) and within 5 mins of the restart City were awarded a penalty, Mickey Bell (making his 300th appearance) wanted to take it and didn't seem to chuffed when Gillespe picked up the ball and made it clear he wanted it. Gillespe got his way and the giant keeper saved with his legs. Within a minute or two Scott Murray had jinked his way past the defence and fed Lita another low driven cross, which Lita buried. Dining had two fine chances, both saved by the keeper, who warrants a mention, he is bloody huge, just the sort of keeper you need to keep the ball low. He looks more than adept at any shot / cross with height in it.

Scott Murray was subbed, as was Lita, Murrays replacement, Anyinsah looked lively and showed some good link up play with big Kev at RB. Young Dave Cottrill showed willing and looks maturer than his 16 years.

MK's goal was a cracker, broke down the left, a great cross spectacularly despatched with an overhead kick ( and the guy had been on for approx 30 seconds).

From what looked like a stinker of a lowly cup tie in the first 44 mins, blossomed an entertaining game, with a reasonable look at some of the emerging talent.

Phillips - 7.  No chance with the goal, comfortable during the rest of the game.

Amankwah - 7. Some good forward runs, not a complete performance, but plenty to suggest that he is returning to the sort of form that  won him so many plaudits early in his career.

Coles -7. Steady performance, still off his best though

Hill - 7. Another committed and confident performance from Matty.

Fortune - 7. Nothing spectacular, but coped well with the LB role.

Murray - 8. Instrumental in both goals

Dining - 6. Still settling in, I'd like to see more, hopfully this will come with match fitness and familiarity with his teamates.

Doherty - 4. Was he fit? One for Tommy to forget

Bell - 6. Has he lost his pace, Mickey played deep, not offering the same attacking outlet as Murray did on the right, but he gets a 6 for his defensive work.

Gillespe - 6. Had penalty saved, was slow in releasing the ball (greedy) on several occasions, but worked hard and showed, in flashes, the talent he obviously has.

Lita - 9. MOM, two well taken goals and took resposibility as the 'senior' man, harring the Mk midfield, wining flick-ons and closing down when they tried to bring it out of defence.


Harley - 6.  An adequate replacement for TD at the start of the second half, another young 'un who looks maturer than his years and lack of first team experience.

Anyinsah - 6. Took a little while to find his feet, but was then beating the defence a la Murray.

Cottrill - 6. Hard to come on and step into the on fire Lita's shoes, but in the short time he had, he impressed with his attitude and he certainly seems to have a 'footballing brain'.

Some of those player marks would have been lower, if the last 46mins had been as frustrating as the first 44, but they got there in the end against a fairly big and physical team.

That was "brief"????? :grr:

PS - thought that was very harsh of you to give the Subs 6s....Tommy was not at the races (so no loss of money there :whistle: ) and took a knock so he may be even less fit then he was before. Cotterill is going to be quality. If Gillespie got a 4 Saturday, how does he warrant a 6 today???? :grr:

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In my view, Anyinsah or Goodfellow should play on the left, at home in particular, with LW coming inside to partner Dinning, Doherty, Orr or Tinnion.

We need pace & passing to play at the high tempo that makes us effective.

If that means sacrificing a little at the back and I don't think it necessarily does, then so be it.

I'd rather win 4-2 than 1-0 :whistle:

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I was very impressed with Kev tonight and I really think he's got a good chance of starting on Saturday, as the game went on he grew in confidence and took the mick out of their full backs when running at them, imagine having Murray and Kev running at you for 90 minutes, hell.

Thought Kev and Anyinsah blended well together as well. Sorry I havent mentioned it and I am not fully up to speed, but was Goodfellow injured?


Scratch that, just seen the comment about the loan not ending until 32 minutes time....

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Totally agree,

Murray Wilkshire Dinning Anyinsah

That would be quality.

No Doc! No Brad! :grr:

Hide while you still can :grr:

Does Joe have a preferred side? Seen him both on left and right, and today he looked more confident on that side then in previous games on the left (pre season/Torquay). Nice to have that in your youth though!

Harley looked good with some of his through balls tonight, and cheers to the H Block band for keeping me entertained :whistle:

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Completely agree with your assessment of the first 44 mins, if the whole game had carried on like that I think I for one would have been asleep before the end!

They make 8 changes to their team/squad and still we make hard work of it. Saturday against Colchester and last night we made things difficult for ourselves again, some sloppy defending cost us a goal last night and poor finishing on Sat cost us 3 points.

Maybe it's just me (had the worst couple of weeks ever at work), but I went along to be entertained, to take my mind of other things, and frankly it really didn't work. Whilst the players showed more effort last night, it didn't gell for much of the game. We missed pace down the left, very little going forward on that side, and some poor crossing again - apart from Murray. We seemed slow all over the pitch without enough zip and incisive passing. Thankfully they were pretty awful, resorting to tough tackling and fouling to make their point.

On a positive, Leroy scored again, a number of non first team regulars got a chance and showed some good work and of course we won!

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I was impressed with Dinning personally, he never wasted a pass, got forward well and for me was an influence on the game. He never stopped talking on the pitch, constantly directing players and talking to the youngsters throughout the game. Could become an asset yet.

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I was impressed with Dinning personally, he never wasted a pass, got forward well and for me was an influence on the game. He never stopped talking on the pitch, constantly directing players and talking to the youngsters throughout the game. Could become an asset yet.

I haven't seen him yet but others seem to think he is too similar to Doc. I would have thought that it would depend on the length of contract he wants and the wages. If he is realistic then there could be a chance, if not then thanks.

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Guest ciderob
I was impressed with Dinning personally, he never wasted a pass, got forward well and for me was an influence on the game. He never stopped talking on the pitch, constantly directing players and talking to the youngsters throughout the game. Could become an asset yet.

Could'nt disagree more, wasted two glorious chances when he side footed them directly at that giant goalie, never wasted a pass because 90% were sideways or backwards absolutly no penetrative passes unlike young ryan harley, he also 'floats' ala carl hutchings and as such he was done for pace to often for my liking.

hugely impressed with big kev, he is such a better full back than jamie smith and tins can have no justification in dropping for smith on saturday. :whistle:

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I'm not sure if it's why he was taken off but doc was injured in the first few minutes, chasing back into our pen area he was mistakenly hacked down by one of our own defenders and seemed to be off the pace after that.

Overall we defended well against a pretty poor team, our midfield was awful lacking any shape or invention and seemed AWOL for long periods in the first half. Things got a bit better in the second half and considering it was a makeshift team they played ok with some impressive individual performances from Harley and Coetrill. Up front I think Leroy and Gillespie are too similar to play together, they both need a target man type to play off.

Gillespie was a bit unlucky with the pen but should have passed to Bell who was unmarked at the far post towards the end. Both goals were exactly the same Lita finishing from a Murray cross.

Overall it wasn't a great game, as you would expect, and after last Saturday I hope we play a lot better against them on Sat.

Finally a prize for the most miserable comment I've yet heard at the Gate. The two old gits behind me had moaned their was through the whole of the first half which is fair enuff, but when we scored one of them said, and I quote:

"That was a **** goal". Speechless I was.

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Finally a prize for the most miserable comment I've yet heard at the Gate.  The two old gits behind me had moaned their was through the whole of the first half which is fair enuff, but when we scored one of them said, and I quote:

"That was a **** goal".  Speechless I was.

Well there's no pleasing some people. I had to applaud that goal, was fantastic.

Got to admit I was a little bit gutted they didnt show it on the tele this morning, deciding to concentrate on the 2 2 yarders :city::cool:

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