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Wilson's Behaviour


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I am most intrigued at the reasons for Danny Wilson's irrational behaviour, which has been very similar for the three years or so that he has been here. It has been a particularly unproductive period for him and yet he seemingly cannot change his ways.

Just to give a few typical examples, on his arrival he played the old men for 6-10 games, until lack of success gradually led him to playing the youngsters who had been relatively successful at the end of the previous season.

Over the last two years he persisted with Aaron Brown despite performances of such awfulness the City were essentially playing with 10 men. He played Singh on the wrong wing.

This year he started without Tinnion and so he wasn't made Club Captain and only brought him in when creativity was at an all time low. He persisted with the Doherty/Burnell duo despite flack from the fans but is now playing neither. He played Wilshire on the right wing despite his lack of pace and much greater success in the middle. He refused to give Clist a game for two years and when finally he relented and Clist played well he couldn't resist making a snide remark and then played him out of position on the right wing. He plays Peacock without regard to his performance and despite the relative success of the Miller/Roberts duo. He will not give Lita a start.

Now what is the reason for this?

Danny is clearly insecure and cannot handle criticism and therefore takes a long time and a run of awful results before he will accept the self-evident. If the fans made no comments would Wilson have corrected things earlier or would he have not even recognised that there was a problem.

It is easy to say that Wilson has lost the plot as he did with Barnsley and Sheffield Wednesday but if things are clear to the ordinary fans Wilson should have picked them up beforehand and acted accordingly.

Can anyone make any suggestions about what goes and is going through Wilson's mind?

Is this typical behaviour for Football Managers or is Wilson something different?

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