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Guest john barnes

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Guest john barnes

surely with an almost full ashton gate there should be a better atmosphere especially from us home fans!Ok we get our occasional redition of c'mon you reds but until we get put back in the east end we will always be out sung by 500 away fans.What chance do we have of making ashton gate an intimidating place!!!Sheffield weds fans were brilliant and had the east end rocking,they had some great songs that lasted for minutes.Cant someone out there think up some new chants surely the band members have some ideas!

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It would be all very well making up some new chants, but it takes more voices than 15 to make them heard.

We in H block of Atyeo at least try, but it is for a fruitless cause!

Lets face facts. Most fans at AG will only sing if were winning. As we don't win very often at the moment there is no atmosphere.

I for one, wonder why i bother to try and sing when the rest cant be bothered. It really ######es me off!

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I think what we need is a kind of clapping rythm thing, something that all ages can join in on, I know clapping may not sound as good as singing but i think its the only way your going to get some of the older city fans to join in and try and make some noise, hey even the williams might give it a try! :(

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Would a singing section really work though? Even at away games where everyone is packed into the same place, only the people who really want to sing actually get together and do, and comparing it to other teams away followings who get together and sing, we don't really have that many.

Singing section are not, we just don't have enough fans who actually WANT to sing.

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Guest Ciderhead Reynolds

i looked around yesterday , and nealry everywhere i looked was at least 3 or 4 kids aged about 11/12 ... Even if they try and sing its so squeeky u cant be heard anyway!! we should have a section for people under 13 or sumthing so that they aint sat in ''singing areas''

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The atmosphere at the gate has been hard to get going. When everyone in the ateyo joins in ie when we score the sound is stunning. Now why cant this be happening all the time not just at a goal!????

The amount of times we played songs last nite people just sat there and didnt join in. Oh lets just leave the band to do it all. I blew my heart out last nite to make some noise. COME ON ATEYO GIVE US A HAND, ALL JOIN IN, WORK TOGETHER AND LETS ROCK THE STAND.


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Agreed it was good!! The reason we moved though was to link in with the ateyo drummers and try to make more noise!! Why cant City let us have the east end where every1 who wants to sing gos down there instead of each end of the ateyo goin against each other???!!!

Its a team game so the fans should also be working as a team not trying to sing individualy!

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Guest WillsbridgeRed

I used to sit in E block of Atyeo and the band did add to the occasion in the Atyeo, but killed off our block.

When I look at E now from the Williams it looks like it has less life than catering ovens. :(

Next time the club "allow" us in the east end the band should come join us, would be a laugh and you'd have people singing along all game

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Guest Bootylicious

I was sat near the band last night and the atmosphere was incredible compared to where i normally sit.

Admittedly, because there was singing throughout the game, i couldn't tell if any other stands were joining in (obviously not!) but it was one of the best atmospheres at the Gate this season imho

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I was sat in atyeo block E last night, and have sat there for the last 3 seasons as a season ticket holder, I got one there mainly cos of the great view, but another major plus was the atmosphere, and over the last couple of seasons it has absolutely died, and last night it was worse than ever when I really thought the whole ground would wanna enjoy such a big game with a bit of chanting, how wrong can i be! Now the only place there is an atmosphere in the Atyeo is by the band. :( It's almost getting deader game by game! well depressin.

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I'm sorry to be a party pooper here but i heard b'all from the atyeo last night, perhaps you should all get behind the goal in the centre of the stand as to encourage others to join in.

This subject bugs everyone on this forum, not because we don't want to do anything about it but, we are not allowed to do anything about it.

Suggestions about returning to the Eastend where there would be unreserved seating in my opinion is the answer but the chairman doesn't want to know, the chairman doesn't want you on your feet singing either, the chairman has banned 70% of songs as they include swear words, the chairman wont open the Eastend on matchdays to the paying public, so all we have left is to just take it like a man and accept that whatever me/you say will be swept away under a carpet and the atmosphere at a football match forever will resemble a bowling match.

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:Sleep12: Agreed, the atmosphere, was rubbish for 17,000 fans. Southampton certainly made themselves heard. Maybe we should treat every home game as an away, the atmosphere at away games are brilliant. :Costumed19:

How about bring back Sam Mason at half time, she certainly got us going? *and not just for one reason* :P :how funny:

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I'm sorry to be a party pooper here but i heard b'all from the atyeo last night, perhaps you should all get behind the goal in the centre of the stand as to encourage others to join in.

I've been thinking this quite a bit lately. I reckon if all the H block people (including the band) moved down and joined up with the few that are already in block E behind the goal then it might help a bit. From the middle of the stand, the noise would hopefully spread outwards, but while the main singing section is in the corner the noise rarely moves along the stand because the people at the other end can't hear anything.

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Guest WillsbridgeRed

That wont be possible till next season, because Atyeos 2 full up with season tickets.

It wont be till next season that any changes can be made

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last night= TOTALLY shocking  :Rage:

I always attend alone (mainly due to me coming from 40 miles or so away every match) but last night I brought along a Crystal Palace supporter, a Liverpool supporter and a Southampton follower. All wanted to come along because it was Southampton we were playing. I also bumped into a few Oxford supporters I know at the ground, both were sat a few rows away from me in the Atyeo. reading other threads here it seems quite a few of us took along a neutral as well.

So it seems to me as though it could of been quiet because it was only the usual 12,000 or so City fans there, and a whole load of neutrals. Its like the LDV final, 40,000 City fans outsung by a merry band of Carlisle supporters, I'm willing to bet a good 20,000 or so of those City fans were not City fans at all, just neutrals who had gone along with a City fan, and of course probably disn't know any songs or didn't want to sing anyway.

I honestly don't believe we have anything like 25,000 so called "part-time supporters", I'm willing to bet there are 5,000 at the most.

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Some good points but the best one i've read was on the BBC 606 forum. One City fan commented after the Sheff Wed game that the lack of atmosphere was hardly surprising when you consider City have had very little sucess in the last 25 years and Wednesday were until very recently in the Prem and appearing in cup finals.

That is really what it is down to, there is a lack of confidence in the fan base, feelings of de ja vu etc.

There have been many great atmospheres and games at Ashton Gate over the years but the harsh reality is the club does not punch it's weight and greatly under performs.

It is a fact of life everyone loves a winner that is why the most sucessful clubs attract the biggest attendances, obvious but true.

All that said City have an extreamy loyal and passionate support and the fact that the fans arn't as loud at home as they should be is simply in my view down to the apathy that another season in div two has brought. Singing at football is all part of the live football experience and the club should look at some the ideas this thread has given. But it doesn't pay the bills, the loyal fans that we all critise for moaning, not singing etc. do.

PS I disagree with City not having a large support, put this club where Reading and Wigan are, then we will talk again I'm sure you would not be dissapointed.

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Guest john barnes

Its probably a good point that we havn't had any success,but surely sheffield weds are on a downer they have fallen from the premier league to the first and then into the very poor div 2! Also a few years back I went up to stoke when we lost 1 nil and murray got sent of for diving but the noise created by there fans was incredible and they havn't really done an awful lot in the last 15 years or so.I think it goes back to having songs to sing,that bloomin delilah song is sung by every stoke fan in the ground! think back to wembley... We were all wondering what song they would play for us HI HO SILVER LINING!!! HHMMMM. All these other clubs do seem to have unofficial anthems and different songs that last for minutes!

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