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I'm Bloody Annoyed

Keepers Ball

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Well thats it.The very last major British owned car company sold overseas :@

MG Rover has been sold to the Chinese pending a go-ahead by the Chinese goverment.

It really proves this country is anti-car.

This country used to be among the leaders of manufacturing in the motor industry but since the 70's due to shoddy workmanship and strikes(British Leyland) car manufacturing has really gone downhill.Add this to the fact that those American (Nescafe handshake)'s at Ford Motors decided to close all car building in this country and move it to Europe.It really makes me wonder why a lot of you drive Ford cars.Obviously the poxy governments we have had in this country in the past 30 years havent helped allowing the British Motor Industry to go the way it has.

It really is a sad day :dunno:

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I agree that it is a sad state of affairs. It was also a sad day when TVR was bought by a Russian. Saying that though, with the extra money it might improve their reliability (I'm speaking through experience, although I now drive a Lotus which is owned by Proton).

If I were to win the lottery, I'd have to go for Caterham which is probably the biggest British manufacturer at the moment.

Correct me if I'm wrong but aren't the remaining manufacturers Caterham, Westfield, Morgan, Noble and Bristol?

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