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clare is my sis. i got bullied as well but my mum removed me from my school.

if any one any good schools that would helpful?

i tried to get a blue band but i didn't know that clare had already sent off for one. i probaly wont get one but it doesn't mean that because you don't have a blue band you don't support it. :D

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"We're sorry but there are no more available.

If you placed your order before 31st December you will receive your wristband."

As quoted from the onelife website. My bully band did come the other day in the post so rest assured all those who ordered the bands before that date. They will eventually come in the post.

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Guest MaloneFM

Old Rog would get a wristband but for three reasons.

Cant stand Radio 1-bloody young peoples music

It would interfere with me copper wristband for me rhumatism

BLUE? No no no never EVER blue

Aside from that bullies are the scum of the earth.

Personal experience

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I would like to draw your attention to this campaign:


I myself am a victim of bullying and invite everyone to join the campaign. Statistics show that 1 in 3 under 16's are bullied at sometime in their life. It may be football related, it may be because of what clothes they where or it may be of family problems. However we all know that there is absolutley no excuse for bullying.

Thanks, Clare.

I was bullied a few times in the past and no-one should put up with it.always speak to someone about it because that can help you deal with the bullies.there is always someone bigger than them and they will get their come-upance in the end. ;) Beat the bullies.head up claire and to anyone else that is being bullied.

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