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Geesus the City fan

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Cant believe the ammount of sheep on here berating Millers performance. The main problem was our distribution and defensive capabilities.

I havent seen a City '1st' team be so inept at defending the obvious, and infamous, long throw aswell as unable to pass the ball from defence to midfield to attack for ...... well .... about since the last time I watched.

Defending was appalling with the main culprit Mr Butler who until this year I perceived as a quality centre half (that was based on great performances against so called better oppo like Leicester, Everton). How many near scraps in the 1st 45?

Distribution from the back was worse than appalling. All being culprits. Is fortune the new Hill at LB??

Distribution from midfield was shocking. Bradley Orr seems to be getting the most stick on here for some reason which i cannot see. He was not good but at left midfield in the 1st half who wouldve looked good? erm oh yea a left sided player other than Tins..... erm but we don't have one... erm oh yea other than the one off to play for swansea.... anyhow! I expected more from experienced, and dare i say better payed, players like Tom and 'the gaffer'.

Heffs looked sharp and Miller looked controlled in the 1st half.

60mins and a change to 4-3-3....


All that happens is that the ball gets won somewhere on the pitch and passed about (languishly usually) until the full backs or Tins gets it then.... Whooooooossssssssh upto the target man. Boring dull rubbish to be nice.

Hang on goal! then revert to type.....

All the players that came on in the 2nd period did ok as we saw but the point of this post was to compare the performance of Miller and Butler so 'here in lies the wub'.

Miller tired and became less of a presence. 3rd sub ready to come on... who will it be. Yep Coles for Hill. Brilliant. WHERE THE HELL IS GILLESPIE 4 CHRISTS SAKE? Surely not being saved for the bench on saturday? Or perhaps we shouldnt expose him to 'the media' incase of poachers...

I digress oh well...

To summarise in case of confusion during above ramblings -

* Miller was not the problem this evening.

* Reserves do what they say on the packaging.

* We lack quality that one player will not fill.

* Tins retire please and sort this out.

* 4-4-2 with wingers, repeat 4-4-2 with wingers, repeat....

* I hate and love Bristol 'friggin' City.


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