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Why Can't We Beat These Crap Teams?


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We surely are the envy of most sides in this division with our squad depth and quality players. Why is it then, that when it really matters, we can't win a game? On paper we should be beating most of these teams. I think it boils down to who WANTS to win the most. Usually the team with the lesser recources wants it more - look at Brentford who obviously relished the extra cup money more than we did. I wish I knew the answer, but maybe we need a greater motivator? Anyone know the answer? :whistle:

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I mean, did we actually manage a shot on target tonight?

Yes their goalie fielded the ball many times, nothing threatening on target but Bell hitthe post with a rasper.

Keep the faith my friend, when all these teams get injuries in the LDV and FA Cups we'll be the ones to benefit. Plus, Swindon haven't played three games in six days.

As Peter Kay says "We'll be reet"

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Team selection and absolutely zero idea of how to use the subs. For goodness sake just check the top teams.....subs on 40-50-60 minutes is normal. City usually and especially today what was it 83 minutes with 2 mid fielders, then finally Gillespie an unused striker for 10 days brought on with 2 munutes to go. We had all our older experienced players starting, whats the point, they ran out of puff Thurs/Sat. Scott Browns form screamed for selection.........vomit/gag/suicide/......ok i've calmed down....zzzzzzzzz.

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Guest Jamesonjoe

Ok you have a right to moan mate but it was bad luck to lose on peno`s not lack of effort,they tried for 120 mins and got to a shoot out which they lost.Brentford are no mugs and don't mind the bull that allen comes out with. They are a damn hard team to beat on there patch as 21 points out of 27 testify.

Losing a local derby 1.0 is not the end of the world,we hit the woodwork and listening to the commentary played better than the last two matches.And if you were to know me personally i really do hate losing.Things can go against you sometime and you have to take it.You were able to take going 13 with only one defeat so now we should be able to take the defeats as long as we learn from it and use whatb we have learned to good effect in the league.People look to find scapegoats all the time, sometimes its just bad luck and someone getting sent off or loss of form by one or more.It happens but it can be overcome and made right with committment and effort.

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We surely are the envy of most sides in this division with our squad depth and quality players.

I think they'd like the fan base and the ground more!

Why is it then,that when it really matters, we can't win a game?

Because we haven't actually got a strong squad.It's large, but most of the players lack match practice and are of an average standard.

On paper we should be beating most of these teams.

It's on grass that counts. ;)

I think it boils down to who WANTS to win the most. Usually the team with the lesser recources wants it more - look at Brentford who obviously relished the extra cup money more than we did. I wish I knew the answer, but maybe we need a greater motivator? Anyone know the answer? :whistle:

Well, the answer wasn't DW over 4 seasons and £2m spent, so we'll have to wait and see, but the signings and formation changes I've suggested may help rather than just repeating the same thing over and over again.

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Today, for many, was about bragging rights and Swindon kept them, for now.

It annoys me that regardless to league, cup, friendly etc some still call us crap though we've beat City home and away his season with or without a full strength XI, yes yes some will say we ride our luck, but that's football.

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We surely are the envy of most sides in this division with our squad depth and quality players. Why is it then, that when it really matters, we can't win a game? On paper we should be beating most of these teams. I think it boils down to who WANTS to win the most. Usually the team with the lesser recources wants it more - look at Brentford who obviously relished the extra cup money more than we did. I wish I knew the answer, but maybe we need a greater motivator? Anyone know the answer? :whistle:

Keep believing that our squad is the envy of the rest of the division if you like, but I doubt anyone outside of Bristol thinks so.

Never confuse quality with quantity, we have 29 pros but how many outside of our first choice XI are honestly good enough? I reckon about 3.

As for the rest, we have the "never will make its", "on the way downs" and "promising once but don't delivers".

Serious pruning is required if possible.

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its quite clear to me, that we are now going on a shitty run, and tbh i cant see it ending for a couple of weeks, it sucks but its blatenly obvious that we are going to be inconsistent (sp?) this season, which i feel will ultimatly cost us a play off place this season.

ps. apologies for the spelling, I am normally ok, but cant be bothered to think.

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Keep believing that our squad is the envy of the rest of the division if you like, but I doubt anyone outside of Bristol thinks so.

Never confuse quality with quantity, we have 29 pros but how many outside of our first choice XI are honestly good enough? I reckon about 3.

As for the rest, we have the "never will make its", "on the way downs" and "promising once but don't delivers".

Serious pruning is required ifs possible.

Exactly, Phillips, Orr-Coles-Hill-Bell, Murray-Docherty-Tinnion-Wilkshire, Lita -Brooker. Plus Heffernan, Gillespie,Brown,Cotteril, Golbourne,Butler, and Dinning if signed. If we go up Bell,Butler and Tins will probably not be involved leaving 15 to start next season. About cover it ?
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The thing that annoys me most about you City fans is that ****in great high horse you all ride around on.

''why can't we beat these crap teams''

''we must be the envy of the division''

Your not a big club and your standard of football is no better than the other good league one sides. So bear that in mind.

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We surely are the envy of most sides in this division with our squad depth and quality players. Why is it then, that when it really matters, we can't win a game? On paper we should be beating most of these teams. I think it boils down to who WANTS to win the most. Usually the team with the lesser recources wants it more - look at Brentford who obviously relished the extra cup money more than we did. I wish I knew the answer, but maybe we need a greater motivator? Anyone know the answer? :D

I disagree with many on here and Tinnion that we have a stronger squad than most. We have a great deal of average players for the league we are in, not many of the team have played in a higher league, those that have, have not always been a sucess. Until we get away from the 'Big City mentality' and I include fans and players we will achieve nothing.

We have a decent SIDE but would any other teams be afraid of, Bell, Butler, Tinnion, Orr, Coles, Smith etc etc, I don't think so, its no better than average for the division we play in.

Until the team that plays each game realise that you have to work bloody hard in this league to get a result we will achieve nothing, Just because we are Bristol City counts for nothing in other teams eyes, in fact to some it is the dangling carrot that give them the extra edge to play against us.

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Did we or did we not the other week give Tranmere, one of the automatic promotion hopefuls, a good thrashing. And also haven't we before the Sheffied Wednesday game been on a 14/15 game unbeaten streak.

Not We've had a bit of a blip after cramming alot of games in the players are now all crap again.

Ok so Tins and Millen may of made a few tactical blunders subs wise but I'm sure he will learn from it.

We all said at the start of the season that this season would be a transition season and were sitting in the playoffs.

Have the faith. I have more belief in this team than I have the last couple of seasons. We can do it

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I disagree with many on here and Tinnion that we have a stronger squad than most. We have a great deal of average players for the league we are in, not many of the team have played in a higher league, those that have, have not always been a sucess. Until we get away from the 'Big City mentality' and I include fans and players we will achieve nothing.

Damn right. What we have is actually a squad full of very average players. Just because we were mugs and shelled out £300k for Miller, £200k for Brooker, £??k to buy-back Murray etc doesn't automatically mean that our players are any better than anybody else's. If we had a strong squad we would not have been dumped out of all three cup competitions by the end of November. That is a shockingly bad return on investment for a club of our size.

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Yeah course it is :D

Look at the facts, on average we get double the attendance of Swindon your very average attendance last night was inflated by a large travelling support. We spend far more than our rivals. Granted it's no guarentee of success as no club more than Bristol City illustrates that fact. A club that has the ability to shoot itself in the foot more than most. But is does allow a degree of arrogance and it's fans to ask direct questions about the lack of success

I work in Swindon so know all about your club, one season in the premership and suddenly you consider yourselves as big time. I have never meat so many people who have a sceond club and come out of the wood work when you get a few results then hide under the banner of Man U, Liverpool, Chelsea etc when you you don't. To top it all it's taken a City fan (me) to tell them how lucky they are to have Andy King and what a great job he's done (I don't even like the bloke).

Get over it, if you come on this forum expect to see things through big red specticles with BCFC embossed on them. You will get the City perspective. Fair play to "My Girlfriend Supports City" bloke he knows the score and contributes and is acknowedlged as such by the majority.

Finaly talking of biast media I suggest the take a closer look at the Swindon Adveriser, GWR Wilts you then hopefully understand the point I'm making!

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What complete rubbish.

I don't consider Swindon to be a big club and Bristol City isn't either. Your crowds are slighty bigger yes but so they should be in a city the size of Bristol!

Why say all that crap when i didn't even mention Swindon, just that some city fans think they follow a huge club.

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