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Did Anyone Notice....

Northern Cider-Dude

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So was it just me then or did anyone else notice that we had virtually no midfield against blackpool? :dunno:

All it seemed to be was long balls up to leroy and brooker/heffernan :wub:

On the very odd occasion that we passed it through midfield good opportunities subsequently fell our way. i.e Dinnings through ball to Scotty where we should have scored ;)

Aim your opinions this way :ph34r:

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To be honest when we were passing on the floor it was some of the best passing I'd seen City play in a LONG time. Our average height is a good 3/4 inches shorter than the Blackpool squad - hence the longball tactics didn't work well IN SPITE of the fact we used them most of the time :@. So the floor it had to be, and on the floor we stayed for a lot of the 2nd half- that's one of the few strengths we have when everyone can keep their attention to low passes.

Of course, an unbiased ref would have helped even more, but we can't have it all :dunno:

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