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Scott Murray

Port Said Red

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There have been a few comments on here suggesting that the Scott Murray that we got back from Reading is not as effective as the one we sold to them.

I was looking at the player stats the other day and noticed that Scotty has scored 7 goals in 19 games (I'm sure someone can tell us how many assists as well, I would think that that is a pretty good return for a midfield player.

It made me wonder if his form is being unfairly compared to what was a freak of a season (2002/3)? I know that there are parts of his play that aren't as effective, he doesn't beat people as easily and I think his defensive work is not as good as before, but if he hadn't had "that season" wouldn't we all be happy with his return up to now?

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I personally think the goal return and assists for Scoot is very impressive and we have to be happy with that from a midfielder.

I think the reason so many people our down on Scoot is because he appears to have lost his bottle for a real fight. He never used to jump out of tackles, however, these days it seems he spends more time off the grass than on it.

He would make a great stunt-double for the matrix fight-scenes :P

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Scotty's a classic victim of his own success.

Despite the fact that is is untterly unrealistic to expect him to produce a seasoj like 'that one' again every season he has - indeed every game - will be judged against it.

for me his form has been patchy but the returns perfectly acceptable for a wide midfielder.

I think he's lost a yard of pace - which at his age is understandable - and i think this leads to him coming inside a bit more than he used to so he plays a slightly different game to before and perhaps one thats easier to defend against.

Still performing well though and worth his place in the team - with the added bonus that he is still the focus player for the opposition meaning double marking on him and freeing up space for others.

Edit : Oh yeah and no he could never defend that well.

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I think Scott is doing well because

A). He has now settled at the club again after being 'on loan' to Reading. :grr:

B). He has Wilkshire who is also scoring. He said he is racing with him to see who finisheds top scorer, healthy competition can't be bad.

C). He went through the 'being dropped' earlier in the season and has admitted he didn't like not playing one bit. A kick up the backside never hurt anyone! :grr:

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Scotty's a classic victim of his own success.

Despite the fact that is is untterly unrealistic to expect him to produce a seasoj like 'that one' again every season he has - indeed every game - will be judged against it.

for me his form has been patchy but the returns perfectly acceptable for a wide midfielder.

I think he's lost a yard of pace - which at his age is understandable - and i think this leads to him coming inside a bit more than he used to so he plays a slightly different game to before and perhaps one thats easier to defend against.

Still performing well though and worth his place in the team - with the added bonus that he is still the focus player for the opposition meaning double marking on him and freeing up space for others.

Edit : Oh yeah and no he could never defend that well.

agreed on several points there.

i agree that his returns are acceptable for a midfielder

i agree his form has been patchy.

I'm not the biggest murray fan, but as an actual footballer he isn't worthy of the pedistool that he seems to be put on. his crossing, for a wide midfielder, is very poor and inconsistent. his bottle and his defending has been documented earlier in this thread, and i agree with both points that he has none and he is a poor defender.

his attacking is inconsistent also. if you actually watch, the number of times he miscontrolls or leaves the ball behind him when he is on a run is staggering really.

he is exciting and he does play for the shirt, i'll give him that. the luxury murray has is that really he is irreplaceable at the moment. we have a ton of midfielders, but not any who can step into the wide midfield position.

i get behind him because he is bristol city, but i find incredibly frustrating to watch.

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i think scotty is having a great season, obviously not as good as his 25 goal one, but did anyone really expect him to repeat it? of course you didnt! Him and wilkshire have been providing goals from midfield something which we lacked last season. Scotty is a great player and long may his service continue!

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Scotty is having a very good season , i think the problem is that people remember the year when he scored just short of 30 goals and expect that consistently , before that he used to score 10 or more goals a year and i think he'll get that at least this year. 10 goals is a very good return from a midfield player. Its looking good on the goalscoring front this year , brooker and lita have scored 22 league goals between them , murray and wilkshire are both around the 8 to ten mark , tommy has got a couple (maybe 1 but he usually scores that in a season!) and the defence have chipped in with a couple.

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he's having a great season if you take into account his goal return and assists, no question. and yes, people will compare his exploits this year to that '30 goal season'.

the thing is, from watching city home and away this year, murray does tend to shy away from battles, and he has a tendency to drift in and out of games. he's scoring goals and setting them up, no doubt about that, but from an actual personal standpoint, i'll be willing to bet he's quite disappointed in some (if not most) of his performances this year.

question- if he hadn't of scored 7 or 8 goals this season, would people be saying the same? cos i highly doubt it.

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question- if he hadn't of scored 7 or 8 goals this season, would people be saying the same? cos i highly doubt it.

So, what you're asking is, if Scott hadn't contributed to the team as much as he has done, would people be praising him less?

Ummm... probably, yes.

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If he hadn't scored this season we'd be saying his assists are ok but we need some goals from him.

For a wide man I'd say 75% of their job is attacking and Murray beats people, scores and creates goals. His crossing has always been a little hit and miss but if anything it seems to be a bit better than before over the last year or two. He's not the greatest defender but he does win the ball on occasion and to be honest it doesn't really matter. His passing and touch around the box are damn good and people don't like defending against him.

The biggest thing Scott Murray does for the team beyond a shadow of a doubt is provide a fantastic outlet. He gets into space when we break and he gets the ball and most of the time either keeps it or creates with it.

Without him we'd be resorting to the hopeless punt up the middle quite a bit more IMO.


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Which other players in this league have 2 players on them the instant they get the ball?? This has happened each time I have spectated this term and each of those was away from home. How many are on him at AG??

100%er whom I sometimes believe tries a little too hard (silly thing to say I know). He frees up space in the inside channel which is rarely exploited by any of our other midfielders exploiting!

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So, what you're asking is, if Scott hadn't contributed to the team as much as he has done, would people be praising him less?

Ummm... probably, yes.

he's scored goals, he's made assists, but he's also been very, VERY inconsistent in his performances and contribution. scotty's a 100% player, and he's also a very honest one, and he would probably say this himself.

that is the point I'm trying to make. if we look at all round contribution over the season (which is the whole point of this thread), then i don't think murray has had a 'great' season by any stretch. ditto tommy, ditto tinnion, ditto danny coles. all four have underperformed in my opinion, which reflected in the boys poor start to the campaign. now we are picking up, because the aforementioned are playing well.

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he's scored goals, he's made assists, but he's also been very, VERY inconsistent in his performances and contribution. scotty's a 100% player, and he's also a very honest one, and he would probably say this himself.

that is the point I'm trying to make. if we look at all round contribution over the season (which is the whole point of this thread), then i don't think murray has had a 'great' season by any stretch. ditto tommy, ditto tinnion, ditto danny coles. all four have underperformed in my opinion, which reflected in the boys poor start to the campaign. now we are picking up, because the aforementioned are playing well.

Good point mate , scotty has been very inconsistent this year , but in fairness so has the whole team. Attackingwise and setting up goals he's been good , but he has drifted in and out of games , but maybe thats because were not relying on him as much as we were a couple of years ago , with wilkshire , brooker and lita all also scoring regularly?

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Good point mate , scotty has been very inconsistent this year , but in fairness so has the whole team. Attackingwise and setting up goals he's been good , but he has drifted in and out of games , but maybe thats because were not relying on him as much as we were a couple of years ago , with wilkshire , brooker and lita all also scoring regularly?

agreed 100% :dunno:

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Anybody who scores 7 goals from the right side of midfield despite being double-marked in every game has to be doing something right.

I think one of the major factors in him not being as involved in games as he used to be is the fact that in 'that season' Tins was a regular. He could ping a ball to Murray without even looking. Their understanding was incredible. In time I think Dinning will develop a similar understanding.

The great thing is that if Wilkshire keeps scoring as he is, opposition defences will then have to double mark him aswell. Imagine the space created for Brooker/Lita/Heff etc.

Agreed though-I have also noticed the pulling out of tackles recently. Despite this, the positives outweigh the negatives by some margin.

He is and will remain my favourite all-time city player just because he cares so much. Seeing him punching the air and generally going mental after every time we score is great to see. And who can forget his celebrations after his double in the 3-1 win at Ninian Park? Superb.

Scott, Scott super Scott...

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