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Brooker And The Toe


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Anyone else slightly worried about Brooker playing with a broken toe? It would be different if it was his finger as thats unlikely to be used in football (I say unlikely as you never know when he may produce the next hand ball !)

I know theres injections and stuff but to run and kick (if it's the kicking foot) it must still be uncomfortable and reduce his performance on the pitch.

I may go with Gillespie and Lita or even Miller (if fit)

Whats think?


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yes absolutely surely were not that desperate for him to play weve got heffernan gillspie miller if hes fit so why do we need to start a player thats got a broken bone in his toe what good is that going to do mind you though saying that i wouldnt care in the slightest if he ends up scoring the winning goal


Matt, this is the best ever 'no punctuation, no capital letters post'. You've even left the hyphen out of 'heffernan gillspie-miller's' name!

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I know it's not the same level but I played for several games with a broken toe a couple of years back. Yes, it was painful but I didn't feel it affected my performance that much. Plus it was my weaker right foot which is only good for standing on...

Bearing in mind the amount of painkillers, and other medical things available I don't think it should be that big a problem.

However, imagine the pain if someone stands on his toe over these freezing cold months...

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Sounds completely daft to me, a bit like sending in a boxer with a broken wrist.

It's not as if there are no options, so what's the point of it?

Maybe Tins anticipates a physical game and he feels that there is nobody else on our books who can intimidate a defence like Brooker. Lita and Heffernan would be a good pairing against Luton if we thought we could win by playing football. Sadly, we all know that the way to win matches at this level is to be physically stronger than your opponents.

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