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Bristol University


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I've just got an offer from Bristol for 2005 (I'm doing A levels this year) to study French and German, and I was wondering if anyone else on the forum is either in the same position as me or is already at Bristol. I've never lived in Bristol even though I've always followed city (my dad came from Bristol), and I wanted to know what the university is like. :dunno:


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I've just got an offer from Bristol for 2005 (I'm doing A levels this year) to study French and German, and I was wondering if anyone else on the forum is either in the same position as me or is already at Bristol. I've never lived in Bristol even though I've always followed city (my dad came from Bristol), and I wanted to know what the university is like.  :dunno:


I don't attend but I've been there several times and it is a very respected and established University.

It's an good location too.

Congrats on the offer

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Hey there,

I'm a Bristol University postgrad. What would you like to know? :dunno: Of course, I'm sure it goes without saying that Bristol is a top-rate uni - you've done very well to receive an offer!

The uni doesn't have a campus per se, it's a series of buildings located within a university "district". That's nice because it's very integrated with city life.

The uni is conveniently located right in the centre of Bristol. That's cool because it's in the center of all the action. There are LOADS of great cafs, clubs and whatnot. Public transport around the area is pretty decent. I personally found walking to most places to be easiest. Though, fair warning to you, Bristol is kind of hilly! :grr:

You're probably looking to live in the university halls. Well...I think Bristol's halls are pretty nice. They've got a few located near the uni and others located a fair distance away. Don't worry though, I used to live halfway inbetween the "far away halls" (which include the "prestigious" Wills Hall) and the uni - there were always streams of students making their merry way down the road!!

The Students' Union isn't the nicest looking building in the world, but they do put on some great events. Plus, there are shed loads of student socs and sports clubs you can join.

Possibly the best thing about attending Bristol University is....

....being able to be in town to watch BCFC of course! :grr:

Feel free to PM if you have specific questions! Congrats again on your achievement!

.....Kelly :grr:

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Thanks for the info, veyr useful! Of course BCFC wasn't a factor in choosing to want to go there.... :D

I was wondering about the accomodation, I don't think I'd really like to have to share a room, so what is the situation with that? Also I would definately like to carry on playing football if I get in, but I don't think I'd be quite full university standard, so would it be easy to join a not quite so good team?

Cheers again for the help, gater2

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Thanks for the info, veyr useful! Of course BCFC wasn't a factor in choosing to want to go there....  :( 

I was wondering about the accomodation, I don't think I'd really like to have to share a room, so what is the situation with that? Also I would definately like to carry on playing football if I get in, but I don't think I'd be quite full university standard, so would it be easy to join a not quite so good team?

Cheers again for the help, gater2

Not too sure about accomodation mate but Bristol has one of the highest,

if not the highest, amount of amature football leagues in the country so you

would find a Saturday/Sunday team no problemo. :D

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I'm at Bristol Uni in my third year and have loved it here. Like you i'd never lived in Bristol despite supporting City (same reasons with my dad supporting them).

The uni's great, really central as people have said and well respected and also pretty laid back, at least in first and second year.

Accomodation in the first year's generally pretty good. If possible you want to get into one of the halls in clifton as they're much closer to the centre and uni itself, although they are accordingly more expensive. I was lucky and was in goldney which is probably the best (although somewhat strange as it seems to be halls of residece in the grounds of a stately home!).

DON'T go in catered accomodation. It might seem a good idea having all your food cooked for you but i know loads of people who lived in these halls and they all regretted it. Food's not that great and breakfast is only served until about 8 meaning that if you want to eat it you have to get up early even if you're not in uni until the afternoon.

Hope that helps

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Guest east_dundry_red

its full of jumped up ######s thats the problem.

i used to work there and my mum still does. half the people i had to put up with were complete ######s though a few such as paul o'prey have now left.

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