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No Signings Before Christmas


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It's still very quiet at this moment in time. As you would expect everyone wants to kepp the majority of their squad players just in case something happens.

Well done Danny, a number of us on here have said that over the past week or so. A number of players would also be reluctanct to move at this moment in time, as most will have families and will want to spend Christmas with them. Not a strange concept. By the way, Jamie Cureton is available.....

It's not looking hopeful at the moment for the one or two areas that we wanted, but that is not to say that we won't get anybody. We'll just have to wait and see.

I guess we will also have to wait for hell to freeze over before you actually surprise us with any of your comments.

Hands up all of those that were expecting something like this from DW this week, I know I was.....

Danny's race against loan deadline

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Jeez! It sure is a tough job being a manager. ;) You couldn't pay me enough to do it.

The guy gets it in the neck when he plays his cards close to his chest and doesn't publicise his intentions.

Then he gets it in the neck when he admits he's looking around for a signing and fails to get one in time to prevent the knockers from having another go.

I sometimes wish he would walk out just to spite you lot - then see how deep we would be in the mire. If it ever happened, I'd GUARANTEE we wouldn't get promotion this year.


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Just using this forum the way it should be used, by expressing my opinions. If you don't agree with what I think then fair enough, everybody is entitled to their own opinions. :D

Be honest though, did you really expect to see a new signing join us before Christmas?

Did anything that Danny said really surprise you?

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Just using this forum the way it should be used, by expressing my opinions. If you don't agree with what I think then fair enough, everybody is entitled to their own opinions.
<br /> Yes - quite right too. You are entitled to your opinion.

What I object to is that, lately, everything he says or does is analysed to the most minute detail and commented upon.

He can't go to the toilet without somebody saying he's doing it wrong or doing it at the wrong time, or has taken too long to do it.

I just think that the criticism is a bit OTT at the moment, that's all.

Does it really warrant another thread?


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He can't go to the toilet without somebody saying he's doing it wrong or doing it at the wrong time, or has taken too long to do it.

Is there a wrong way and a right way? Also the length of time would all depend on what he is doing in there, but let's not go into that right now.

Does it really warrant another thread?

Yes, because it is referring to something completely different to the other threads. I've yet to read a thread which has a reference to his comments made about the difficulty in trying to sign somebody before Christmas/New Year, which have only been active on the main site for a few hours at most (they certainly weren't there when I checked about lunchtime).

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By the way, Jamie Cureton is available.

But none of US know at what cost, it was mentioned yesterday that it could cost as much as £200,000 to get him!!

I don't think we have that floating around at the moment.

For some unknown reason, people seem to think we are the division 2's version of Chelsea, linking us to just about every player that didn't start for their own club over the weekend etc.

We are still losing money, I agree with the speculate to accumalate theory, but DW has to make sure it is the RIGHT player for the team, not another Harpal Singh situation.

If it means DW holding on for another couple of weeks, to make sure he gets the man he wants at the right price, then I am happy to wait.

I think we can get along alright with what we have at the moment but would obviously be happy to see the RIGHT player come in.

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One of the Chelsea links is right, Ranieri also makes strange substitutions, which baffle the fans, but no we definitely aint Chelski, Clueless made sure of that.

Reality Check boys and girls, why come to underperforming Bristol City, anyway, with a manager who is in charge of it, who seems unable to stop the drift...

Cureton, or McSheffrey, maybe the best of a somewhat unlikely list of players.. Matt Jansen, Premier, and ex England, I dont think so!!

Happy Clappys or Wilson Outs- we are lumbered with him, and the team, and I guess we need to support the Club, through thick n thin.

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