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One Problem....


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I think that we will all agree that Bristol City is regarded (at our level) as a "big club". And I think that we are, and it's only too obvious to say that we should be higher up than we are. We boast

- A fairly nice ground

- A big fanbase

- A good board/backing with money

This means that we are a magnet for good players and therefore have ended up with a pretty damn good squad, probably the best in our division.

The fact of the matter is, that we should not be in the division that we are, but it is exactly this kind of attitude (that yes I have too) that's keeping us down.

Our players, manager, most of our fans and our board all think that we're "too good" for this division. And this is what loses us games, we're over confident in every game and comments like Brian Tinnion makes about us "not wanting to play" some of the lower teams in our league next season only gees up the opposition.

I'm not particualy pesamistic but I don't think we'll go up this season, or the next if we carry on like this. We are known as the Chelsea of League 1 and until recently I never took that seriously. But when you think about it, we really are! This depresses me as we clearly think we're better than every team in this league, and many of them have proved this theory wrong!

Have fairly "Big club" status does mean we get more TV slots than most in our division but I would much rather us either be like we are and higher up or a small club that has to work bloody hard for everything they acheive.

What was the point in this thread? I'm not quite sure... :laugh:

But anyway... rant over! :city:

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