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Really Confused!


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At the end of last season I was as bitterly dissapointed as anyone and see the highs at the end of the Hartlepool game and Lows of the Brighton game the most extreme i have had watching city in terms of emotion.

However, Wilson goes and Tinman comes in. A few squad members leave for various reasons, only Carey and Brown are the two that i feel are needed this season in hindsight! Then we get in a few signings who to my mind look like very good players. Heffernan, Gillespie, Smith etc.. I'd even go so far as to say Wilkshire looked like a new player after his experiances at the olympics. Before the fist game i was convinced that we were in for a much better season than the one before only others didn't seem so sure.

Now, half way through the season i can see what they mean. We play frustratingly boring football with none of the flair we had last season and seem to not want to play the best players we have based on form. Ok so Tinman needs to make mistakes to get better but to keep playing players who are under- achieving is becoming almost as annoying as Peacock and Wilson! There has been alot said about the chumminess (excuse the spelling) between Tinman and some of the senior players which will obveously be a factor in his team selection and it seems to be the time for him to make a clear distinction between when he is a colleague and when he is the boss!

What were the expectations before the season?

Was this meant to be a sort of re-grouping season so Tinman can get used to his new job ready for the big push next season?

Whatever is happening behind the scenes it is clear to see what is going on on the pitch. We are devoid of imagination and now we have the front man we wanted in Brooker we insist on playing long ball football which we have never been good at.

Come on lads lets see the clever football of the last few seasons!!


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