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Tony Butler


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Hmm Butler has severe facial damage, and the the other guy has an injured hand. :clap:

I'm no judge, but something doesn't add up here. :clap:

you never know, maybe butler was walking down the tunnel and tripped and clive platt might of been nice and dived to stop butler hitting is head on the floor, and missed hiting his hand on something sharp therfor cutting it, and butler consiquently (sp) whacking his head on the floor knocking 8 teeth out?!

No? on my own? ok, ill get my coat :clap:

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Aparently Tony Butler is the type of player who constantly chips away at opponents the whole game with little comments and insults etc. to try to get a reaction. It seems this time he messed with the wrong guy. Until it is known exactly what was said, I will reserve judgement on whether he deserved the whack.

to be honest, i can actualy believe that, he does look the type of player to wind people up!

also i heard him taking the (Am I naughty or what!) out of ROwan Vine ALL game against luton and fair play to the lad, he didnt react, he just accepted it and then towards the end (after luton scored) starting giving it back to butler!

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It's part and parcel of the game to wind opponents up during the ninety minutes play. I play myself and I am always trying to put the opposition off and wind hem up even if it's just to get them to foul me (Hopefully in the box) but I always make a point of going up to said player after game and shaking his hand and having a laugh with them about incidents. For a professional player to use his fists to get back at him is totally not acceptable (Unless butler made a racist comment ut I doubt that for a second).

I did actually say to my mate at the start of the second half that coles and murray were having a couple of words with one of their players and it looked like it was going to kick off.....

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ye, the only 'good'(if you can call it that) reason for plat hitting him, is if butler was racist, in which case deserved the 'beating' and should never play for city ever again!

Which is exactly what I meant when I said I will reserve judgement on whether he deserved it. I didn't want to open the "racist" can of worms again.

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Surely with seven teeth missing he would have said " I do not wiss to presh chargesh."

:clap::clap: brilliant.

I think that Butler is the true professional and has been around long enough to know whats right or wrong. If it was unprovoked and also has been witnessed by the fourth official, I think Platt will at home now wondering how long a ban he will get.


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