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3-5-2 works. I said precisely that on here only a few days ago. At the time, it was in support of Matt Hill playing in a back three, but the principle is the same - the formation works with the right personnel.

Personally, I'd like to see us play it, home and away, for the rest of the season. The only thing you'd change would be the personnel - Murray instead of Smith at home for example.

Credit where its due, the legend that is Tinman is getting the hang of football management and tactics. And he was also superb in his 70 minutes on the pitch tonite.

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3-5-2 works. I said precisely that on here only a few days ago. At the time, it was in support of Matt Hill playing in a back three, but the principle is the same - the formation works with the right personnel.

Personally, I'd like to see us play it, home and away, for the rest of the season. The only thing you'd change would be the personnel - Murray instead of Smith at home for example.

Credit where its due, the legend that is Tinman is getting the hang of football management and tactics. And he was also superb in his 70 minutes on the pitch tonite.

see I thought smith had a cracking game... i wouldn't think of playing murray instead of smith from his performance tonight.

Personally i cant understand why brooker was bought off for murray.. surely goodfellow could of had a run.. if not heffernan may of had an impact?!

just a thought..?!

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I actually think (and i know Bristol boy will agree) that 3-5-2 is our best option.

If you look at sensibly now that Hill has gone we don't have 2 quality full backs in the squad. Hill and Smith are ok but i sense both probably prefer the slightly more advanced wing back role.

We do on the other hand - if we bring Irleand in permanantly have 4 quality centre halves in Butler Coles Ireland and Fortune so it makes sense to utilise that - play to our players strengths if you like. In addition at home most teams come with 1 up front so an ordinary back four isnt really neccessary.

We also have an abundance of talent in the midifeld area so playing 5 makes good sense.

With Bell left you have a reasonable crosser of the ball plus someone who can defend a bit better than wilkshire who in the system can move more central and with his passing and vision can have more of an influence on the game.

In Tommy/Orr we have two box to box (although with Tommy this is stretching a bit) ball winning midfielders to hold the centre with Dinning and or Tinnion playing the other role keeping the play linked and ball moving.

Out wide right i'd be tempted with Murray at home and Smith away

Overall i think 3-5-2 plays to our strengths and we should stick with it.

Most games are won and lost in midifeld and we have an abundance of talent there so lets not waste it and stick with the 3-5-2

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In Tommy/Orr we have two box to box (although with Tommy this is stretching a bit) ball winning midfielders to hold the centre with Dinning and or Tinnion playing the other role keeping the play linked and ball moving.

Tommy = Box 2 box, now that did make me laugh, there's only one box he will get into and its not on a football pitch!!

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Tommy = Box 2 box, now that did make me laugh, there's only one box he will get into and its not on a football pitch!!

I did say it was stretching it a bit. Maybe box to centre circle along as he can then stop for a fag and pint and a mouth off at the ref for no reason.

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It says on sky sports we are playing 3-5-2??

I've been dying for Tins to give this a try. When BB mentioned it in one

of his threads I said it looked balanced and would like to see it given a go.

I would have thought that Murray would have been the right sided wingback

but I can't fault Smith's display last night. The beauty of this formation is that

you can be more defensive when you are away with Bell and Smith sitting

back a bit, or when you are at home you can push on and practically have

2 wingers with hopefully the back 3 coping on their own.

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3-5-2 seemed to give Tinnion a lot more protection and for the first time in months (in the first half anyway) he got hold of the ball and had the time to spray a few passes around instead of looking yards off the pace of the game. I think it is worth persevering with for a couple of games to see if we can make it work.

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