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The Perfect Day


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Yesterday was a great day for me and I thought I'd share my happiness with y'all! :P

On the way to the game on the coach my mate was looking through the racing section in the paper when he came accross the horse Be My Manager (running in the £:00 at Wetherby if anyone cares.......) and decided on the spot that it was a great name that would surely win! In our infinite wisdom (blind luck) we decided to put some money on it before the game - it came first at 5-1, covering all my costs for the day and more! ^_^

And as for the game - it was 77 minutes of depression followed by 13 minutes of delirium, and it was worth every single second.

Oh yeah, and Rovers lost. So did Kadiff (thanks Brendon...)

Bleedin' brilliant day!


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