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Lets Wing It!

Cider red

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Starting with goodfellow and murray on the wings tonight , finally tinns you have realised what we all saw months ago!! Were going to attack chesterfield from the off tonight , i'm actually looking forward to the game! Hopefully he will start with tommy and wilkshire in the center as well. :laugh:

And this carey thing , it will probably be a good move for us , he's miles better than smith , and thats IF it happens , i think people are getting a bit ahead of themselves because it could still fall through.

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Guest monster red
Starting with goodfellow and murray on the wings tonight , finally tinns you have realised what we all saw months ago!!

You make it sound so easy,pick to pacey wingers and you have a solution? I hope as much as the next City fan it is but just because it looks good on paper dosnt necessarly been it will work on the park! I think with Goodfellow and Murray both being lighweight defensivly we could be caught out tonight especially if they have a bit of pace up front!

I hope they both understand there defensive responsibilitys and don't leave us short at the back when Chesterfield are coming forward.

I 'll go for 1-1.

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Hope to have it rocking from the Family Enclosure then? :laugh:

Have a good one. I'm being forced to miss this one as I am not well enough to leave the house, let alone drive/watch.

Quite gutted actually; was looking forward to the four pronged noise attack, Williams E, Dolman A+B, Ateyeo H and the East End.

Nice to see to attacking wingers, shame they usually cant cross for toffee (that's your cue to prove me wrong Messers Murray and Goodfellow).

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I'm a gobby cow at football anyhow - no matter who we are playing under any circumstances - come on you redsssssssss  :P

:laugh: er, you don't have to tell me sweetheart. I have been sat next to you y'know!

Give em a shout or two for me if you would be so kindest.

I will cough and splutter, and probably sneeze for the boy.

I can imagine it now.

"The City Team:

Number 1 Steeeeeeeeeeeevie Phillips"

Raaaaaa-coff coff coff

"Number 2 Jaaaaamie Smith"


"Number 3 Mickey Bell"

Raaaa-cofff cofff

"Number 4 Tommy Doherty"


"Number 5......


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Watch it you  :P

I will give them a shout or two or three for ya and a little wave on sky. Just hope ive actually called in sick to work for something  :city:

Well I usually was trying to watch it but you used to talk so had to avert my eyes now again from the field of play.... * BOOM BOOM * :city:

Tell em you got flu, I could have done a convincing call in for you since I cant speak without coughing :laugh:

Oo, a trip to local (ish) supermarket may be in order :wub:

TAXI! :me?:

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Well I usually was trying to watch it but you used to talk so had to avert my eyes now again from the field of play.... * BOOM BOOM *  :city:

Tell em you got flu, I could have done a convincing call in for you since I cant speak without coughing  :laugh:

Oo, a trip to local (ish) supermarket may be in order :city:

TAXI!  :me?:

Me thinks not Mr CDP!!!! :wub: As i recall you had a little laugh at me when i missed the Hull home game and if this is a corker expect some sniggering back :P

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