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Is This Really Better Than Wilson?


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Tonight we saw the good and bad of City, our season summed up in one game - shocking!

Judging by tonight's performance, recent form and this season in general, can anyone put their hand on their heart and say "Yep! This team and the football we're playing is far better than Wilson's teams were serving up!"

Wilson was slated for bizarre substitutions, puzzling tactics and an infexible attitude to the game plan.

Yet, under Tinnion, have we not seen exactly those traits in the new manager? Take tonight's game as an example:

Why was there no tactical or personnel changes made at the beginning of the second half, when we looked jaded and half a yard too slow in the first?

Why, after an hour of play, when we desperately needed some penetration and accuracy up front in place of the under-performing and greedy Lita, do we make a DEFENSIVE substitution? Was Butler injured?

Why, after managing to claw our way back by gradually dominating midfield and eventually scoring 2 good goals, do we then spoil it all by ripping the heart out of our engine room and allowing the opposition back in to score the late howler?

Maybe some of you can see things that I can't - but all I can say if this is considered to be better than the Wilson's regime, I want to go back to the "bad old days"!

Who knows? What with Murray and now Carey re-signing, we might have started a trend - perhaps we can get Wilson back? :unsure:

It wouldn't, couldn't, be any worse than what we're seeing at the moment.

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You cannot compare Tinnion V Wilson !

Wilson inherited a rubbish side, Tinnion inherited 4 years of solid work by Wilson and a side capable of winning this league!

And look what Tinnion has done! Suprise, suprise ####### rubbish!

Danny Wilson improved our chances of winning promotion season upon season - FACT. Every manager has his flaws but I'm afraid Wilson was infact a pretty good mamager who was very close to getting the full potential out of the bunch of wasters that reside at this club!

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