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"it's The Ones Who Come In From Outside"


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"it's the ones who come in from outside who appreciate the club" was interesting

sounds like he's having a go at the city players who have been here for a while? I can see his point, the players who have come from other clubs such as Heff, Brooker, Smith, Wilkshire and Co. seem to be the players who have the correct attitude when it comes to there game, either because they have been at smaller clubs and are glad to be a club like City, or that have come from Bigger Clubs and are used to be more professional.

Some of the lads who come through the youth set up over the last fews years, to have a very much Big Time Charlie Attitude and think they are a bit special, Players like Aaron and Marvin Brown, Louis Carey Danny Coles, Tommy D have all shown the sort of attitude they are something special, because they seem to have been spoiled by the club doing everything for them and as Tins said "pretty much wiped their bums!" Perhaps it's the young setup that's the problem?

The only youngster who has come through with the right attutude was "Mr 110% Matty Hill" and his attitude towards his game has won him a move to a decent club at a higher level!

anyone else think along these lines? Certain players at city are spoiled!"

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I was never Hill's biggest fan as a player but you do make a good point. One thing above all else you could not fault Hill for was ATTITUDE. And strangely enough, by Monday he will be the only one of all the so called talented Bristolians playing above third division level on a regular basis (I'll discount Doherty's fleeting international appearances as he is Bristolian and the Country he represents have got about 16 players to pick from).

It is becoming very clear now where Tinnion is laying the blame - Bristolian / Academy players.

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Perhaps it's the young setup that's the problem?

Perhaps the senior club was careless in its homework into the background and character of some of the players it has brought to Bristol in the past?

Perhaps some of those players were more interested only in the money and the good-time to be had in Bristol than in leading the life of the dedicated professional athlete and achieving things with this club?

Perhaps some of the youngsters coming through fell prey to the easy charm and low standards of the wasters, in contradiction of everything the academy grooming process is supposed to stand for?

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"it's the ones who come in from outside who appreciate the club" was interesting

sounds like he's having a go at the city players who have been here for a while?  I can see his point, the players who have come from other clubs such as Heff, Brooker, Smith, Wilkshire and Co. seem to be the players who have the correct attitude when it comes to there game, either because they have been at smaller clubs and are glad to be a club like City, or that have come from Bigger Clubs and are used to be more professional.

Some of the lads who come through the youth set up over the last fews years, to have a very much Big Time Charlie Attitude and think they are a bit special, Players like Aaron and Marvin Brown, Louis Carey Danny Coles, Tommy D have all shown the sort of attitude they are something special, because they seem to have been spoiled by the club doing everything for them and as Tins said "pretty much wiped their bums!"  Perhaps it's the young setup that's the problem?

The only youngster who has come through with the right attutude was "Mr 110% Matty Hill" and his attitude towards his game has won him a move to a decent club at a higher level!

anyone else think along these lines?  Certain players at city are spoiled!"

Publicly blaming specific groups of players is not very good man-management anyway and it's not the first time Tinnion has slagged off his own players in the press. Ever heard of 'collective responsibility'?

It's rather ironic that the two points made about 'players from outside the club' and the one about 'players having the arses wiped by the club' seem to condemn the manager himself. He is, after all, the longest serving player and thus, doesn't appear to be the best qualified candidate to sort out this neurosis the whole club is suffering from.

Tinnion not happy? Well, join the club, but you've been hoist by your own petard.

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What Tinnion is doing is backing himself into a corner. He now got to "walk the walk" and the only way he can do that is by naming, shaming and eliminating the bad apples, whether to the approval by the Happy Clappy's or not. If he doesn't he loses all respect from me and will just come across as a guy who has no balls and whinges at everybody else when things are not going his way.

Time to sort a few people out Brian - over to you!!

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Guest hairyshamrock
"it's the ones who come in from outside who appreciate the club" was interesting

sounds like he's having a go at the city players who have been here for a while? 

If he's slagging off those who have been at the club too long, can i just b a nit picker and ask ......


He may have been brought in from outside, but as he wants us to believe he's "one of us", shouldn't he start tarring himself with the same brush?!

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Does it really matter who has been there the longest? All I want to see is the people who are taking me and every other paying customer for a ride by allegedly having "no desire" named, shamed and driven out of the club.

All paying customers of the club have a GIVEN RIGHT to expect, no demand, 100% Commitment/Desire from everyone in a red shirt regardless of talent or lack of.

Or, if Tinnion is lying and covering his own incompetence, then HE should be booted out of the club.

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"Coles could learn a lot from Hill in that respect, and so could a couple of others. But they haven't turned into bad pro's overnight have they ? Did they have the wrong attitude under Wilson ? I don't seem to remember that."

in fairness there has been a drinking culture done there for years, back to the days of Jacki, Colin Cramb and Murray in their younger days were well know local drinkers, as where the likes of Lee Peacock, unfortunatly the likes of Danny Coles and others around him have grown up at the club, thinking that going out and getting hammered after a match is the done thing.

Perhaps it is the effect of the more senior players, or maybe it is a lack of Education from the Coaching side, either way there is nothing more unacceptable than seeing a player who has not been performing think he can go out on the town and act like a king!

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Wilson was absolute cack. Wednesday/us .... can't you see the connection? Total waster - it's going to take years to unravel the damage he's done to our Club. His 'don't criticise the players' policy got us precisely where? This, despite having the resources/time available to him that most managers would give their right arm for.

Tins is at least saying the right things (even though to appoint from within - given the nature of the problems with the Club - was a massive gamble). I think he's broken cover now out of desperation... I've no doubt he's told the underperformers on many previous occasions behind closed doors what he thinks of their 'efforts'.

What Tins needs to do is actually get a Team together who can deliver what he wants. His failure, so far, is to sort his backroom staff out - the coaches and the scouts. At present, it's no good replacing our bottling players with new ones that are only going to be 'infected' by the Club's ingrained 'comfort zone' culture.

Root and branch reform required.

Last thought. Put the Academy side out for the Hull game given this is our 'Season of Transition'. At least then we can settle the arguments once and for all and decide whether this little gem that costs us a cool half million per year is worth any further investment.

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Wilson was rubbish let us please just remember the failure the crap decisions (particularly substitutions and some of the crazy starting line ups)and the fact the pleb didnt have Lita on the bench when we really needed him.....

HOWEVER.....Whilst Brian Tinion thus far has not covered himself with glory he's had less than one sixth of the time Wilson had.....

Last night was close to torture for sixty five minutes we were the worst kind of pony got back into it then cocked it up live on national TV....Nevertheless positives are that Monday morning some players are going to be C***ing themselves regarding their future and I forecast a couple (at least) on the transfer list very soon and some loans may not be extended...

It seems highly likely that Heffernan will start with Brooker for the next few games Carey will go in at centre back but left back could be a difficulty as Bell is not having a great time and the natural replacement is lying on the sands of Torbay (probably the worst decision made thus far)....The real problem is Doherty if the forum is to be believed he is a twenty a day alcoholic gambler if this is the case I predict a swift end to our hero....

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Wilson was the best manager we have had done here for years. End of story. Although we didn't reach the ulitmate goal of Div 1 footy, some of my best memories of watching City over the last 20 years were during the Wilson Era.

But all people remember from him is the Cardiff play-off final, and some odd sub decisions,

His problem was that he started with rubbish, blended a good team together, but at the end of each season, he'd lost probably one of his best players and have to rebuild each year.

And as for the thoughts the academy has been rubbish, it just goes to show how many retards post on this forum, Phillips, Hill, Amankwaah, Spencer, Coles, Fortune, Rosenior, Lita, Clist, A Brown, Cotterill among others are very good players who have come through the system and produced for the club and some good some not so good, but due to certain mis-management though at board level, I.E CONTRACT PROBLEMS! we have lost most for nothing or peanuts,

but it has proved to be a success due to the amount of players it's brought into the team, some have succedded some haven't but either we haven't had some money youngster breaking through for ages.

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If i may refer everybody....


Whats changed in the last 5 months? Nothing at all.

These same players are still under performing week in week out - were still getting crap results and still gong nowhere very quickly indeed.

Something has to change. I see no benefit at all in slagging the players off publicly.

He did nothing about i then and i fancy will do nothing about this time.

The man does not have a clue and we need change and fast.

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Tinman is right-some players are taking the p1ss....................have been doing so for some time, including parts of last season.

Trouble is Tinman is the gaffer, which he wanted, and must have known the problems. If he don't now sort it after going public, he's dead meat. Last time round Robbo was gone inside a month-I didnt think he was the only one then, and he sure aint now.

As for Wonderson-discipline was a problem at Wednesday for him, and it sure was here........we're well rid-if he was any kop, he wouldnt be at the Dongs would he????

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Wilson did have problems with some of the ego maniacs at Wednesday, and so did his successors. They probably had a worse situation in that respect then we have now, but Sturrock seems to have made his mark by transfer listing a load and letting them know exactly where they stand. They aint doing badly now.

Perhaps, if Tinnion wants to keep his job, he should follow suit and get tough and nasty.  Tell the wasters face to face that they aren't in his plans for the foreseeable future, and bring in loans, kids or whatever.

Lets face it, the managers change here, but we have the same players more or less that we had a few seasons ago, and we are getting one of them back ! There is a "comfort" problem and we are a soft touch. Starting tomorrow, Tinnion needs to make plans without some of 'em - and let them know exactly that - instead of sulking and talking it up.

We still have a chance of the playoffs and if we have players on the pitch with the right attitude, and the manager gaining some balls we can make it.

I disagree Cynic, while I've (thank God!!) not seen every City game this season, what I have seen, bar the Tranmere first half, NOTHING, to suggest play offs is (remotely) acheivable- the rot in the team is too deep. I actually think it may of helped get Wonderson the flick too. They didnt consistently play as a TEAM last season, and they, IMHO have not done it AT ALL this season. Tinman, has probably now put himself in a position, whereby if results don't improve he's out, and without getting rid of the smug, minimum effort players, we aint got a chance in hell. Tinman now HAS to get rid of his "underacheivers" or they will destroy him, and unfortunately damage Bristol City Football Club, which is not in any of our interests :@

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Guest Sign Craig Ireland
Fair enough - we aren't playing good enough to deserve the playoffs, but we are only 3 points away, which means just about every other team barring the top four are just as crap ! In that sense, we have as good a chance as the rest - but only if the players really want it enough.

I think that we will potentially be down in 9th place once Bournemouth and Bradford play their games in hand. If we keep losing to below average dross like Chesterfield, then I give us no chance at all of making the play offs.

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