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leave in the summer if/when we don't get promoted?!

i think, Doherty - not through form but just because he is a good player and a championship team will recognise this

Wilkshire?! maybe but not sure!

Phillips i think will be out like a shot, good keeper just a little head strong :P

Lita - but only if he scores a few more

Coles maybe?! if he turns his season around he may get some intrest?!

anybody have any thoughts?!

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Presuming Tinnion is still in charge the only player i see as a certainty to leave is Coles - currently a waste of space - nothing more infuriating than a player who clearly has a level of ability but displays a lack of desire and passion to back it up - good riddance.

I cant imagine Lita will leave. He has shown us both sides of his game, he can score goals but can also be completely un-interested: i cant imagine that will intice many bigger clubs.

Murray wont leave - your not named club captain and then sold a season later for lack of effort.

Doherty is an interesting case - don't think he will leave and not sure he should. He has shown us enough heart over the years to not yet be tarnished by the uncaring 'brush' - if rumours are to be believed however his active social life may need examining.

I imagine Miller will stay - unless of course he enjoys his time north of the border to such an extent he requests a move.

Phillips wont leave. He has enough flaws in his game to ensure he is no guaranteed starter at a higher level.

I sincerely hope Wilkshire doesnt leave as he is one of the few class players we have at the club.

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