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A Plan. Question Is, How Do We Do It.


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OK, here's a question for you. I doubt very much if there is anyone here who doesn't think that Brian has this club at heart, and wouldn't love to see him a sucess as our manager.

So how about we approach things from another angle. Instead of slating him, how about we try and get the message across to the players who arn't performing that we won't stand for Brian and our club being messed around.

Tinnion has got city in his veins and we won't get any where by losing his services. He needs our support, and the likes of Doherty and Coles our contempt.

Someone must have some ideas about how we could get this message across. Just booing the team as a whole aint going to help. It will just (Am I naughty or what!) the whole team off, when we all know some of them are trying thier best.

The questions remain. Would the players in question care? And do enough of us want Tinnion in charge of a successful City team to do something about it?

Any ideas?

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OK, here's a question for you. I doubt very much if there is anyone here who doesn't think that Brian has this club at heart, and wouldn't love to see him a sucess as our manager.

So how about we approach things from another angle. Instead of slating him, how about we try and get the message across to the players who arn't performing that we won't stand for Brian and our club being messed around.

Tinnion has got city in his veins and we won't get any where by losing his services. He needs our support, and the likes of Doherty and Coles our contempt.

Someone must have some ideas about how we could get this message across. Just booing the team as a whole aint going to help. It will just (Am I naughty or what!) the whole team off, when we all know some of them are trying thier best.

The questions remain. Would the players in question care? And do enough of us want Tinnion in charge of a successful City team to do something about it?

Any ideas?

Coles - it would help if the crowd didn't blame Butler every time Coles makes a mistake. Odd and annoying.

Similar for Doherty, seems an entrenched favourite for many City fans. Still getting his name sung after stupid tackles, quite unbelievable. A little bit of the outrage some misguided fans directed at Roberts might persuade him that he can't continue strutting slowly around doing little.

Very worried about Tinman, it looks like it may not work out for him due to players not performing. Most fans want him to succeed but he's truly on the brink now. Whether he turns it round or not i hope those two are in their last season at the Gate. If they are indeed choosey about what City manager they'll play for then there's no telling if a new manager will be to their liking.

As City fans we are quite capable of letting a player know they're not performing, it's just a favoured few are never going to get the stick, and they know it.

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Guest hairyshamrock
OK, here's a question for you. I doubt very much if there is anyone here who doesn't think that Brian has this club at heart, and wouldn't love to see him a sucess as our manager.

So how about we approach things from another angle. Instead of slating him, how about we try and get the message across to the players who arn't performing that we won't stand for Brian and our club being messed around.

Tinnion has got city in his veins and we won't get any where by losing his services. He needs our support, and the likes of Doherty and Coles our contempt.

Someone must have some ideas about how we could get this message across. Just booing the team as a whole aint going to help. It will just (Am I naughty or what!) the whole team off, when we all know some of them are trying thier best.

The questions remain. Would the players in question care? And do enough of us want Tinnion in charge of a successful City team to do something about it?

Any ideas?

Ok, lets get one thing straight, Tinnion, as manager is in charge of picking a squad of 16 for each game. He is then in charge of givin them tactical instructions and getting them to follow them.


Also, if anyone has to be charged with picking the players which need a kick up the a$$, and kick them. He is too nice, is a people pleaser and will never upset the apple cart.

there by hangs a problem as long as the river avon itself!

he isn't tough enough and however much u can say "he has the club running through his veins", he also is too nice

we need a manager with a back bone who will kick a$$es but also care about the players and get the most out of them - ask a newly returned Mr Carey who cares the most and gave u the best leadership, i have a feeling he will tell u a certain Mr Taylor


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true, we all wanted him to be a big success, my problem is the players just look like individuals, there playing for themselves not the team, that is defo a managerial problem, once this kind of thing sets in youv had it, i realy cant see tinnion sorting this out, some people blame millen,, why on earth, hes not the manager is he.

i cant see any good cmin from tinnion now, time for ronnie moore, and do it now.

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