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Westcountry Soccer Night


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The bitching of this TV show doesn't usually happen till after its finished! I'll wait until then to say anymore!

the worst show on telly. makes me cringe every time. poor scripts poor presenters poor set, worse gags. shocking. absolutely shocking. so bad it's fascinating. so

I'll be tuning in again...as usual! :city:

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I can't wait, I never miss this show.

Forget the boring football "highlights" and chat, its the cutting edge humour that makes this show brilliant.

Not to mention the occasional mild "swear-word" that the presenter Jed Pitman weaves in to the scintillating soccer analysis. He is so risque! I hear that Sky Sports are head hunting Jed as a replacement for the charasmatic and controversial Rodney Marsh.

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I can't wait, I never miss this show.

Forget the boring football "highlights" and chat, its the cutting edge humour that makes this show brilliant.

Not to mention the occasional mild "swear-word" that the presenter Jed Pitman weaves in to the scintillating soccer analysis. He is so risque! I hear that Sky Sports are head hunting Jed as a replacement for the charasmatic and controversial Rodney Marsh.

Funniest post I've read in a while!

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Rich - thanks.

The show reminds me so much of David Brent in The Office and it actually makes me laugh in the same way ie watching one individual with a jobsworthy side-kick genuinely thinking that he is a comedian, while all the usual suspects look absolutely horrified.

I've got a sneaking suspicion that all the local media men (Russell Osman, Richard Latham and the usual selection of local managers) have boycotted this show as there were no guests at all last week.

I can't wait to see if my hunch is true and how Jed will explain away the fact that he can't get anyone on to the show!

Only 36 minutes to go!

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What's the structure of tonights show? (Swindon's goals were good weren't they :city: Had to mention that)

I'm watching the Plymouth/Torquay/Yeovil (they get 2 regions!) equilivant down here....

It's basically the presenter talking in a pub with a couple of Plymouth fans in what I'd consider good football talk, no jokes or sketches!

Not as bad as the Pitman version I saw by a long long way.

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The lunatics have taken over the asylum!

When I stated that I thought that the local hacks might have boycotted the show, it was just a whimsical notion that might have explained a one off week without a single guest, but after watching last nights show, I seriously think that the likes of Osman, Latham, Bobby Gould and even the local managers/chairmen who don't normally shun a bit of publicity have got together and blown the whistle on Jed's programme.

The only guest (talking of whistleblowers) was local prem ref Steve Dunn and for half of the programme Jed's "humourous" sidekick was actually sat in the seat normally reserved for Richard Latham.

The only footie highlights were the local goals and the only extra bit for city fans was an interview with Louis Carey in the Dolman stand, basically trying to explain why (in a world where footballers - even at our level, Luke Wilkshire springs to mind - change continents at the drop of a hat to advance their career) he felt homesick a few miles up the road at Coventry.

Most of the second half was taken up with some kids juggling footballs.

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