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I know its a bit late and may have been said before but our crossing last friday was a joke, if we had a player who could put a decent cross into the box I think we would have been talking about a great comeback win last week rather than what a mess we our in.

Surely tinnion would be better off taking Murray,smith,goody,bell and wilkshire to one side with Brooker and Lita and just practising crossing, coming up with a bit of understanding so that the forwards know if its going to the front post or back post and not Murray just lumping it in there genral direction. How many crosses just went from Murray right over to Goody and then back, or straight to the keeper or defenders head.

Also why not make it a group activity and get Shaun Taylor to show the defenders how to defend crosses, although with Murray etc putting crosses in during training they probably think it's easy to defend them.

Come on tinnion stop looking in there eyes and get them back practising the basics.

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