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Tinman's In For The Long Haul....

Donnie Darko

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Not quite sure what everyone else thinks, but:

After the last week, this season is actually turning into a rebuilding excercise rather than the expected promotion season.

Out: Brown (A & M), Matthews, Peacock, Roberts, Carey, Coles, Butler, Hill, burnell, rougier

That's pretty much half the starting line up from last season, including the whole defence and two out of three starting strikers that have either walked out or in one or two cases been forced out. Then if you add Miller and Tommy who have both very unclear futures, that's the spine of a team and a few fairly talented extras all gone and replaced by:

In: Heff, Gilly, Brown (S), Carey, Ireland, Orr, Dinning, Brooker.

If you compare it player for player then the new lot seem to have the edge in terms of quality, although you could say that Lita and Fortune could be included in the "In" category as only becoming regulars recently.

However new teams (which is what this is turning into) don't turn into good teams over night, they take time to gel, so it's likely to take until October until we really see what they can really do. Even now a new goalkeeper and possibly defender and midfielder look requirements.

It's worth noting that the board would've never allowed so many changes to take place (especially the more recent ones) if Tinman wasn't going to be in charge next season (even though promotion looks very unlikely). It would be very stupid for say Tommy to leave because of the problems between him and the manager if that manager wasn't going to be there in a few months time.

I know the whole idea of Tinman getting more than this season if we don't get in the playoffs will be too much for some, but this is Bristol City, and since when did City win things (apart from the LDV thing) or have a right to get promoted, we've spent pretty much the best part of the last century in this division, so i'm sure one more isn't going to hurt too much.

This might just sound like another "Give him time" thing, but really this season there have as of the last week been too many changes (mostly required) not to give Brian until at least next Xmas to see what the team can do.

A good example of this would be Wigan Athletic, they spent about four years messing around with the playoffs, eventually losing in the final. Each year they spent more and more and after each failure they sacked that years manager. Then Paul Jewell came along (same time that Danny was appointed), in his first season the team dropped to their lowest position in about 5 years, for some reason Dave Whelan didn't get his axe out that year and wigan went on to win the league the next season with one of the most organised teams seen at that level and look where they are now.

Sometimes changes are required, but they have to be given time to show full effect. :D

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DD,while I understand the sentiment behind that post & I am sure if we had appt an experienced Manager like Jewell,then we could expect a little time to work on things & turn them around.

Tinnion has been here for many years & inherited a quality squad & has added to it with his own choice of players.

He has now (30 games in) decided that some quality players are not playing for him & has decided that they have to move on.

Tinnion was brought in to get us promotion & both he & SL believed it could be achieved THIS season.

I still hope that we have it in us to haul our way to promotion through the play-offs.If we don't then I am afraid Tinnion & SL have failed in the pre-season definitions of a succesful season.

But I fear that if we don't get up SL will stick with Tinnion & it won't be a popular decision.

I hope he has the 'balls' to admit he got it wrong & get Tinnion to move aside.

The coming & going of players happens at every club & if Tinnion thought he had a problem with certain players,he should have moved them on earlier.

As for saying that this is BCFC & we tend to be fixed within the lower leagues, I for one will try & not be so negative.

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ummm got to disagree there, the squad was, and still is overrated.

We have one quality player in Lita, the rest are journeymen.

Therin lies the fundamental problem, to be a good team you need good players.

It does not matter if you have 11 world class players if they are not playing for the manager you might as well have 11 downs players giving it their all

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But I fear that if we don't get up SL will stick with Tinnion & it won't be a popular decision.

I hope he has the 'balls' to admit he got it wrong & get Tinnion to move aside.

If we don't go up ..and with so much still to play for that's still a big if ... then I hope Steve L will stick with Tinnion. And if he does, then it will certainly be a popular decision with me.

I hope he has the 'balls' to back his judgement and give Tinnion time to finish the job.

Like all other fans I want what is best for this club, and I don't think that changing managers yet again will help the situation at all. And before anybody accuses me of just being 'a Tinnion lover', I said exactly the same thing in defence of Danny Wilson on more than one occasion when people were calling for his head. Eventually Danny's tenure ran its course and it was right that he left when he did. But he was given four years, and we have to give Tins time too. There is clearly a major rebuilding programme under away. Hopefully it will pay dividends this season. If not, then Tins should be given the opportunity to see it through.

Seriously, what is the alternative? Bringing in yet another manager who will emabark on yet another clear out? Another Pulis who will need 'four years to sort out the mess'?

The fact of the matter is, for all the disappointments of this season (and sure, there have been plenty), we are in 7th place with 45 points still up for grabs and with every chance of making the play offs. I haven't given up on this season yet. I'm sure the players and management haven't either and they have my full support.

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If we don't go up ..and with so much still to play for that's still a big if ... then I hope Steve L will stick with Tinnion. And if he does, then it will certainly be a popular decision with me.

I hope he has the 'balls' to back his judgement and give Tinnion time to finish the job.

Like all other fans I want what is best for this club, and I don't think that changing managers yet again will help the situation at all. And before anybody accuses me of just being 'a Tinnion lover', I said exactly the same thing in defence of Danny Wilson on more than one occasion when people were calling for his head. Eventually Danny's tenure ran its course and it was right that he left when he did. But he was given four years, and we have to give Tins time too.  There is clearly a major rebuilding programme under away. Hopefully it will pay dividends this season. If not, then Tins should be given the opportunity to see it through.

Seriously, what is the alternative? Bringing in yet another manager who will emabark on yet another clear out? Another Pulis who will need 'four years to sort out the mess'?

The fact of the matter is, for all the disappointments of this season (and sure, there have been plenty), we are in 7th place with 45 points still up for grabs and with every chance of making the play offs. I haven't given up on this season yet. I'm sure the players and management haven't either and they have my full support.

Absolutely!!!! Tinnion MUST be given at least two years, after all Wilson was given 4!!!!!!!

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And before anybody accuses me of just being 'a Tinnion lover',

The fact of the matter is, for all the disappointments of this season (and sure, there have been plenty), we are in 7th place with 45 points still up for grabs and with every chance of making the play offs. I haven't given up on this season yet. I'm sure the players and management haven't either and they have my full support.

As for the 'Tinnion lover' bit - I'll pass on that one.

Don't want to drag up all the Testimonial & Wedding saga history,I would just say that I wouldnt be anti Tinnion if I was as close as you have been & quite rightly so.

So can understand the support here.

As for the situation as we stand,then again I fully appreciate your sentiments here as well.

We have every chance of getting into the play-offs & the coming 3 or 4 games will be key indicator as to the possibility.

Finally as for Tinnion in charge next season, I can't see how we can stick with a Manager who has moved us backwards.

Too much of a risk.

Maybe a compromise will be an experienced coach to work with him?

But lets hope upon hope that promotion is achieved & all parties will be convinced BT is the man. ;):(:D:D

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