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Tinnion Please

Guest alex1089

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Guest alex1089

Harsh on Bradley Orr he was awful, he never gets to the ball, he keeps running but never quite gets there and is awful on the ball, Doherty and Wilkshire are internationals must play the best 11 no matter what the attitudes are at this stage we need to go for it! And actually Jones would be a good appointment.

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Guest alex1089

The back four were very solid and would have been even more solid if we had shape! Brown dident know where he was playing he was going into the middle! No width on the left hand side it was awful! brown is rubbish whats all the hype about him?!

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Agree carey was good tonight but the midfield matters most and it was awful especially orr

Glad I'm not the only one.

Fair kudos to Scott Brown running about all over the place, but myabe a comparison to headless chicken may be inevitable by some of you?

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The back four were very solid and would have been even more solid if we had shape! Brown dident know where he was playing he was going into the middle! No width on the left hand side it was awful! brown is rubbish whats all the hype about him?!

Ah typed too soon :yawn:

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Guest Kingswood Gas

I can understand the wish to get rid of Tinhead, but is it the answer to the problem?

Both Bristol clubs have had more managers then I care to count over the last 10 - 15 years and where has it got us, nowhere.

Maybe it is time both clubs took a chance and gave someone proper time. Atkins will get the Gas promoted (probably not this year) and build over the next 2 - 3 years. As for City I always thought you should have kept Wilson for 2 more years with Tinhead as his 2nd in command learning from him.

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The back four were very solid and would have been even more solid if we had shape! Brown dident know where he was playing he was going into the middle! No width on the left hand side it was awful! brown is rubbish whats all the hype about him?!

Tins said in the media he wanted Brown to cut inside from the left, just following instructions, and the kid is not rubbish.

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well i for one aint bothering with city this season.

Why bother wasting your afternoon on a load of **** when you could be spending it with a girlfriend or mates?

I have never been a Tinnion hater but maybe its about time he thought about his position here.

With our squad as it is at the moment its goina be a lucky top half finish this season, and minus Coles, Doherty and Lita possibly next season, and with what Tinnion is bringing in, it may well be lucky to stay up next season.

Sorry for the gloom and doom but i cant see any bright lights at the moment, its the first time in YEARS that i have been embarrassed (sp) to be a Bristol City Supporter (very embarrassed) (sp)

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Guest alex1089

Wilkshire is perfect for the left-hand side and Brown is a headless chicken where-as Wilkshire knows what he is doing and is always looking for the ball and in support of the two forwards, in my opinion far more effective than Brown.

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