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Never Been So Gutted After A Game


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I'm not sure where to start on this one!

I'm struggling for words to descibe my feelings about tonights game!

Tinnion was a great player for this club and could not be faulted for that but when it comes to management this really is to big a job for him.

Thigs need to change not in the next few weeks but in the next few hours I feel. The heart of this club is being ripped apart and its hard to watch.

Since the summer we have seen mistake after mistake made.

First one Landsdown took a massive risk in replacing DW with BT. We are no Manchester Utd but this is a big club that has fans that demand more than most clubs in this division or even the championship. BT had no managerial experience and was still playing for the club making his job even more difficult.

The new manager is then allowed to pick a NO2 that again has no managerial experience at this level or league level who had a less than complimentary record with the BCFC youth team he managed somrhitn like 7 victories out of 30 games. This was bearing in mind that Tins was going to continue to play which makes the NO2 position even more vital to the club.

We had a good strong commited bunch of Bristol lads playing for their local team this has suddenly gone down the pan Matt Hill I would say our most commited player and best defender leaves with no resistance, A Brown does not even think about staying to fight for a new contract when he knows Tins is being installed as manager and no matter what anyone says I rteckon we miss him like hell he may have been inconsistant but he gave us great balance and was the main reason we put together that 11 game unbeaten run I am convinced that had he not broken his leg we owuld have went up automatically,Carey also left the club but is now back. Tommy and Coles have gone from being the best centre back and midfeilders at the club to not possibly having any future at the club....!

The clubs disciplinary record has gone to pot and suspensions are occuring week in week out, something that under DW was much more rare. Apart from the odd spat by Tommy I cannot remember any other players spouting off at refs week in week out like currently happens. Diseent is rife and Tins is also guilty of this.

Scott Murray is being played week in week out when he has lost it big time, tonight we never had a player on the bench that could have even come on to replace him. No Goodfellow no Luke.

We have never played a consistant team for more than 2-3 games.

The players that we have loaned out have gone elsewhere and done the business but do not seem to have the same impact at the Gate....Is this down to the motivation...? Upon their return Tins states we have seen that Loans spells have done the lads well and has put them in the shop window for the first team.....Ummmm hang on Goodfellow has had one start one sub apperance and has vanished off of the bench again, gillespie gets a place on the bench we are playing terrible at home and don't look like scoring and he remains on the bench. What good has these laon spells exactly done for them for for the club I reckon Jack ######*t. Not to mention Lee Miller, Woody at Torquay all either playing week in wek out or geting on the score sheet.

His signings have been in different Brooker generally sound but is prone to a mere every 3-4 games like tonight, Hef quality striker and finisher who cost £125,000 and sits on the bench every week....people are raving about Lita but I am convinced that if Hef had played the same amount of games then we would have had at least 20 goals too. Dinning well the guy has done us right over hasnt he, great whilst on loan but shocking ever since and is obviously getting on the bench because Tins feels he has to prove why he signed him how on earth he can get on the bench in fornt of Tom or Luke begers belief. Smith is improving well was until tonight but again no better than Carey or no worse also can lose his head and to me looks like the captincy is already having the same effect as it was on Tommy.Bradley Orr again never going to nock his commitment or effort but he runs around like a headless chicken and is not what we need.

Scott Brown the young talanted creative right/central midfielder we hear loads of great reports about is given his debut...Brillaint we think that will be in place of Murray oh no its not its on the left side of midfeild...You sure or what just what a youngster maing his debuet needs that will do his confidence the world of good...All this when Goddfellow done so well on loan and has benefited from his oan away from the club whe does he not start....?? or for that matter Luke who has scored 8 goals this season from that position and who in my oppion has been our best player this season.

Clayton Fortune has made some impressive performances in the centre but is now a left back so our left side now consists of a centre back and a right midfielder....!

Sunstiations do little to install confidence in the team, and often look like a sign of panic...!

There is no organisation, no commitment no desire and no sign of the attacking free flowing football we have been promised....!

Wher has this suddenly dissapeared to and why! I have not moaned much if at all until now but tonight was the final straw for me I have never left the gate feeling so gutted and empty about the performance of my club.

The only positive that I can see in Tinnions time in charge is that Lita has been given a chance! Agin I am sure that most of our other strikers and definatley Hef could have had 20 goals if they had played.

Tins if you care about this club as much as I believe you do then you will say that this is the right time to step down and also that Millen does too, maybe even step down but say you will stay as a player for the rest of your contract that would show how much this club means to you...!

Long rant I know but I'm gutted and would not want Tins to be remembered for ripping this club apart but to be remembered for his great service and his honesty in saying I'm not the right man for the job.

Great players do not make great managers!

My team for Colchester


Carey Ireland Fortune/coles Woodman/Bell

Brown Tommy Luke Goodfellow

Brooker Hef







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A Brown does not even think about staying to fight for a new contract when he knows Tins is being installed as manager

He made it clear during the summer before his contract was up that he will probably move on.

It wasn't because Tinnion was installed as manager at all.

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Also you cannot say Matt Hill left "with no resistance" - or you don't understand that the terms in his contract, which he insisted on, are legally binding. He wanted out - the club tried to keep him longer by offering a new deal, he said no. End of story.

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