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After 4 Games Steve Lansdown


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City's chairman talks

by Chris Kelly and Dickon Hooper

Steven Lansdown, chairman of Bristol City FC, talks to BBC Bristol about the start of the season and Brian Tinnion's future.

Despite being only four games into the season, some fans are already sharpening the knives over City's dreadful start.

"It is too early to be speculating about Brian Tinnion's future, Mr Lansdown said.

"He is the manager and he has to make the decisions and stand by them"

Steve Lansdown

This despite City not winning all season and currently languishing in 21st place in League One.

"We are all disappointed that we haven't got off to a better start and haven't won a game yet.

"But it is early days. You can see the team developing and the management developing.

"It is premature to be critical, we have to give Brian 10 or 15 games to get the thing sorted out and see how we progress."

Some fans have questioned the wisdom of promoting a player to a manager, but Mr Lansdown defends this.

"It has been a difficult transition, both for the players and for Brian himself, he said.

"But he has got the players' respect - they have known him a long time. They know what a good player he is.

"He is not shy of telling them when they are not doing the right thing, and I think players respond to that.

"I don't think it is too soon to for him to take full control. Having put him in there, we shouldn't question whether he should be the manager or assistant manager.

"He is the manager and he has to make the decisions and stand by them.

"I think at the moment he is doing a very good job. He had a good pre-season but a difficult start to the season, but I am sure he can turn that around."

For his part, Mr Tinnion told the club's official website: "My message to the fans is for them to keep the faith.

"We have too much ability in the squad for things to keep going against us."

If Steve stands by these prophetic words and the early vote of confidence in his manager, has that goodwill now evaporated leaving Tins close to the sack?

Personally, I believe that BT is too proud a man to move over and still believes however insurmountable the odds, that he can turn things around dramatically this season. Unfortunately, he's been unable to coach players with supposed "ability" into a winning side, suffered from internal discipline problems and appears to be leading a team of overpaid prima donnas, which could hasten his departure.

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