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How Long Can This Go On?


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I appreciate he has not had much time to prepare and file his report but bloody hell they get off lightly there.

That performance was beyond abysmal.

Tins ahd said after the last shockingly abysmal home performance that changes were going to be made and players out who didnt wanna play - well Brian those were your players out there and they still played with no passion no pride no effort no desire no enthusiasm and - most importnatly - no fucming clue what the hell they were supposed to be doing.

That last point is his fault and his alone and after nearly 50 games is unacceptable to the point of being an embarrassing disgrace.

As i have said elsewhere my Season Ticket is in the bin - and unless a new man is in charge when my beloved reds next take the pitch it will be staying there.

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I don't think that they got off lightly. It's just as twenty to one in the morning after several beers in the Tobacco Factory you can only think of so many adjectives for abysmal, and abysmal it was.

I'd love to know what our chairman thinks now, this appointment apparently wasn't meant to be a gamble because although Tinnion had no experience of managing at all and surrounded himself with mediocrity, he'd been at the club 12 years and would "hit the gorund running".

Six months later he has virtually dismantled last seasons' squad, is increasing the average age of the side, plays football I thought was copyrighted by Pulis, picks himself and his best two mates in the 16 irrespective of form and his crackdown on wasters has just resulted in them staying on our payroll whilst their market place value plummets.

Some achievement, give him the rest of the season and we could need years to sort this mess out.

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Graham do you get the feeling that the board is hoping, perhaps praying for a big offer for Lita, then they can throw money at the situation. SL says Tommy doesn't want to leave and refused the Plymouth/QPR offers. Coles and Wilkshire appear to be out of favor, but now the enigma. Doc/Coles/Wilk will be Tins only options due to our 4 suspensions. What do you think of Tins chances of motivating those 3 with friendly words.......can you hear their answers? Lets hope they play for themselves and the club.

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I don't think that they got off lightly. It's just as twenty to one in the morning after several beers in the Tobacco Factory you can only think of so many adjectives for abysmal, and abysmal it was.

I'd love to know what our chairman thinks now, this appointment apparently wasn't meant to be a gamble because although Tinnion had no experience of managing at all and surrounded himself with mediocrity, he'd been at the club 12 years and would "hit the gorund running".

Six months later he has virtually dismantled last seasons' squad, is increasing the average age of the side, plays football I thought was copyrighted by Pulis, picks himself and his best two mates in the 16 irrespective of form and his crackdown on wasters has just resulted in them staying on our payroll whilst their market place value plummets.

Some achievement, give him the rest of the season and we could need years to sort this mess out.

Sorry i didnt mean to be rude - its just after a few jars myself last night it seemed far to fair on them!!!!!

From chairmans interview on World nothing is going to be done about it.

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