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Stop Moaning

Guest russgas1

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Guest russgas1

Why don't you city fans stop moaning about your so called sleeping giant of a club, and get behind your team and support them. If you think you have got something to moan about, you want to put up with what we have had to swallow over the last five years. What is it this time Brian Tinnion for the sack thats because your not 15 points clear at the top of the table i suppose. Tinnion has been a great servent to city over the years but a lot of you so called fans forget that. You forget all the good times all the goals he`s scored, all the important games hes won you. what about the liverpool cup tie?.Why don't you come over to the mem the next time Rovers are playing and stand there and listen. When things are going wrong (which they usually do)we get behind are team and support them . Not slag them off or verbally abuse them, or spit at them as their leaving the pitch, or pull them to pieces on the website.Its a game of football for christ sakes and hes a genuine guy not a lying politician or a murderer.The problem i think is starting to happen at the moment is players like tommy doc & colesy think their to big for the club. This causes unrest " big time " in the dressing room, and quite frankly no player is bigger than the club. Tinnion should bomb them out straight away and start again with players who want to play for bristol city.

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Guest jon bid

Liar.....I know lots of rovers fans who have stopped going to watch them this season, plus how many times have the evening post reported your 'fans' have booed them off the pitch after nearly every home game...

Do us a favour and don't comment on our team that you know nothing about.

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The point is Gas man, We are behind the club.

8500 season tickets, average attendances to date up from last year. With respect it would be best that you do not come on here taking the moral high ground if you don't mind me saying. I have heared enough of twentyman's phone is to remove the myth of Rovers fans not being fickle.

I appreciate your team has gone through the mill in recent years, but why oh why should City supporters thank our lucky stars for that? Like all football fans, you included we want the best for our own teams. Sleeping Giant or whatever cliche you want to use does not come into it. This club has invested millions and it is not unreasonable to expect a return on that investment. Doesn't matter whether you suport BCFC or MUFC, that belief will be the same.

Good money is paid, for instance I have paid the best part of £300 attending the last two away games. If that doesn't give me the right to pass comment on this webside both in priase and constructive critisim then I don't now what is.

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