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It's Been Said Before - Ad Nauseum....


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I'm as fed up as the next man or woman because our season is going down the toilet and round the s-bend, but for pity's sake shouting abuse from the stands at players and managers is not the answer.

I cannot believe it makes the abusers feel any better when they unleash a stream of swear words, or yell personal insults because the recpipient, "deserves it" No, that's just utter bull and its no better than road-rage for anybody to lose total control and fail to act like ordinary decent human beings and not animals.

All the abuse creates within the confines of a football ground is fear and tension, both on and off the pitch. Why should women and children be subjected to the animated actions of pathetic adults loathing and hatred. Will the players improve their performances, knowing that a simple mistake will be met with a torrent of viscious invective? No!

Bill Shankly once implied that football was more important than life or death. Sorry Bill, but you were wrong, football is only a game.

Many City fans spend hundreds of pounds each season following City around the country and I take my hat off to them.

But I can't condone anybody who yells personal abuse at another human being regardless of their performance. I you want to defend what I believe is indefensible then go ahead, I'd love to hear your comments.

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I didn't hear anyone shout any personal abuse toward any of our players during the match against Walsall. A bit of booing at half-time and at the end but no personal abuse. GreenUn, where did you hear the abuse come from?

In the blocks to my left and behind me in Block C of the Atyeo. Effing this and that at certain players during the game on a few occasions.

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