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Smith Carey Fortune Bell (goulbourne maybe?)

Gillespie Doherty Wilkshire Goodfellow

Heffernan/lita Brooker

I've started Goodfellow, because he adds what Murray used to, he gets to the byline often enough, which Murray didn't do once against Walsall, He dosen't help that much in defensive areas, however Doherty should be able to aid the defence (providing he stays) and i've left Murray out because he needs to find his spark again.

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--------Smith---- Carey------------ Fortune---------------Ireland





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Smith Carey Ireland Bell

Wilkshire Docherty Dinning Murray

Heff Brooker

Both Murray and Wilkshire given a free role to supply the front two, Lita needs a rest although would look to bring him on around 60 minutes if no joy. Doc and Dinning should be able to police any game in this division, just need to get working together and find that understanding. Carey and Ireland are solid, Smith and Bell give passing from the back options


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Guest hairyshamrock

Personally wouldn't use Bell or Dinning to hold up a wobbley table!

Bell couldn't have caught the preverbial cold last fri!

Wasn't very impressed with Golbourne the other week against cheltenham res either. Can't see what everyones bleating about there!

I'd leave the LB slot open for now...


Smith (any 2 from) Carey/Ireland/Fortune LB in on loan

Brown Wilkshire Doherty Freezer

------------------(maybe if he proves his fitness and stops whingin at refs)

(Any 2 from)


I'd rotate the forwards a bit more than he has - give the opposition something to think about, don't make it so predictable.

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