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Lansdown Re-building Year


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Hate to say it but Tins has been left holding the sewage.

As soon as the board changed managers, peacock and Carey went, we were (whether we like it or not) into a re-building year. Other teams have gotten stronger. We had to start with new chemistry, change in balance of the team. We have since had a few more leave due to chemistry / relationship issues.

We are in a re-building year and Lansdown and others have to accept it is their doing. It's very rare in a re-building year that any team gets promotion.

Our City will continue to play bad at Home while we keep giving them hell.

Lets get behind all of them and make them feel welcome and help them through a very very critical phase. They will not start to play well if we keep giving them negatives.

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I don't think the teams total inability to get behind other teams, put in regular decent crosses, create scoring chances and take them, can be blamed on the fans.

I agree Roger Red Hat but I think that our team really needs the support right now. I am sure that some of the / our comments are appropriate but we need to help to lift the team to see what it can do..

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Guest WillsbridgeRed

Oh stop making bloody excuses on behalf of this club for christ sake

It's been a disgrace this year from top to bottom, get behind the lads? Like they care if we do or we don't - Were you even AT the Walsall game? Do you think that performance deserved our polite applause.

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I agree Roger Red Hat but I think that our team really needs the support right now. I am sure that some of the / our comments are appropriate but we need to help to lift the team to see what it can do..

Fans will support "the team", but right now, some of the team don't support the manager. What needs to be addressed is the selection process. Younger players see Bell and Murray the managers mates getting selected after consistantly below par performances, they get frustrated. Then the other element that feel Tins should not have the job and just don't play for him. Start selecting a "team" of players that will be with the club next season and show the most promise. Promotion has passed us by i feel, so lets work to support a team selected with our future in mind.

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