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Two Questions

Guest alex1089

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Guest alex1089

1. How much realistically will Lee Miller go to Hearts for?(I think about 300,000)

2. Has their been any rumours about who we are signing on loan?

Comments please thanks


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1. How much realistically will Lee Miller go to Hearts for?(I think about 300,000)

Money back plus a sell on at the rate he is going I would think.

2. Has their been any rumours about who we are signing on loan? 

Anybody who isn't at the club currently has a better chance of gettinga game than most of our midfield.

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The problem is when the excellent Lee Miller is sold, due to the fact that he was not given enough time to adapt to english lower league soccer, and was never played consistently in a formation which suited his style of play, whatever money we recoup, will no doubt be squandered by the current manager. His track record at the moment does not encourage optimism, cannot get the best out of Wilkshire, Doherty, and Coles of the squad he inherited and Dinning, Heffernan, and Orr of the signings he has made have not been successful. I would rather hold on to Miller and ship the manager out. I have a definite feeling that Miller will prove in the longterm to be a quality striker, and if he is sold a large percentage sell-on must be included in the deal.

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Guest happy chappy

Could not agree more with you max, the managers a joke on most of his signings to date and if i were sl i would certainly think twice about giving him any more money to spend on journey men or anybody come to that.

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Put youself in the Hearts position, you are not going to bid high straight away, thats negotiating. Could come in with an opening bid of 250,000, then work from there. Like wise with the Blackpool/Heffs story on BCFC, as he is not a regular first team player, we could well expect an offer of 100k. We still have under contract Brooker,Lita,Gillespie,Cotterill, to fight over 2 positions, and we have 400k+ available for other needs.

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