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Loans Signings Hit A Brick Wall


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I seem to remember a similar discussion last season, oh and then there was the transfer deadline as well - will we sign, won't we, Danny is useless, won't bring anyone in!!!!!

So let's just do it all again - of the players we signed late last season the only one to make any significant difference in the last few games was Rougier.

My only thought on this is we need a left midfield player - have done all season and still do! So maybe we should focus on that rather than looking at loads of different options to strengthen?

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Yes, hooray!

We can't strengthen our depleted squad ahead of Saturday's important match against Colchester.

I'm glad you can see the positive in that, I can't.

PhatWill........ I can understand your thinking..... but it could be a win because it looks so much like we will not?

Here is a chance for the lost boys to make a difference??

We are after all the 'Bristol City' ...... I know you know that


UP THE CITY! , as my Dear old Nan Bristol used to say.

I have read what you have posted for some time and I know you are as 'RED' as the next man, woman or child!

Let no man or woman or child say anything different of you.

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Anyone got a time machine??? We could either go forward and get this season out of the way and see where we end up, or go back to the summer which would u prefer???

Easily last summer. That way you'd know the lottery numbers for every Wednesday & Saturday for the last 6 months, and at the end you can buy the club out and sack Tins yourself.

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Yes, hooray!

We can't strengthen our depleted squad ahead of Saturday's important match against Colchester.

I'm glad you can see the positive in that, I can't.

I understand your point but why is our squad so depleated? Have we got a 'flu virus sweeping through the club or some other unforseen happening? or is it due to:

A). Too many players picking up bookings as they can't keep their mouths shut?

B). Players out on loan who can't be called back?

C). Players sold,(Hill) allowed to leave (Butler) or out of favour (Take your pick!).


D).A combination of all of the above. :D

I hope Phillips doesn't see yellow or we will really be in the...

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