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All these shouting TINNION OUT should be ashamed of themseleves.


Success is not going to arrive on a plate overnight. I'm hoping that the lack of patience from City boards of yore has gone but from the fans it appears not....having a new manager every 7 months is not going to improve anything - if you take off the rose tints, you will all realise this.

It's a sign of the times with football being a commercial enterprise now.

It's also an illusion that any of you will think that your sad misguided opinions will make a difference.

Just look at the sorry selection of overpriced and unattractive food & drinks ,avaliable next saturday ,before you take your seat to be deafined by some inbred karoake star - it's become just like any other middle class day out. A bizzare one I admit - I certainly didn't find it very entertaining last Friday night :city:

This isn't really OUR club anymore.

Tinnnion IS a manager with no experience but HAS bags of passion.

Just look at the latest pictures of the man - he clearly looks troubled.

This is a living legend.

Please give the man a break - he does not deserve this disrespect.

He has not killed anyone or refused to sign the Kyoto agreement.



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All these shouting TINNION OUT should be ashamed of themseleves.


Success is not going to arrive on a plate overnight. I'm hoping that the lack of patience from City boards of yore has gone but from the fans it appears not....having a new manager every 7 months is not going to improve anything - if you take off the rose tints, you will all realise this.

It's a sign of the times with football being a commercial enterprise now.

It's also an illusion that any of you will think that your sad misguided opinions will make a difference.

Just look at the sorry selection of overpriced and unattractive food & drinks ,avaliable next saturday ,before you take your seat to be deafined by some inbred karoake star - it's become just like any other middle class day out. A bizzare one I admit - I certainly didn't find it very entertaining last Friday night  :city:

This isn't really OUR club anymore.

Tinnnion IS a manager with no experience but HAS bags of passion.

Just look at the latest pictures of the man - he clearly looks troubled.

This is a living legend.

Please give the man a break - he does not deserve this disrespect.

He has not killed anyone or refused to sign the Kyoto agreement.



Well said that man!


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Guest hairyshamrock
All these shouting TINNION OUT should be ashamed of themseleves.


Success is not going to arrive on a plate overnight. I'm hoping that the lack of patience from City boards of yore has gone but from the fans it appears not....having a new manager every 7 months is not going to improve anything - if you take off the rose tints, you will all realise this.

It's a sign of the times with football being a commercial enterprise now.

It's also an illusion that any of you will think that your sad misguided opinions will make a difference.

Just look at the sorry selection of overpriced and unattractive food & drinks ,avaliable next saturday ,before you take your seat to be deafined by some inbred karoake star - it's become just like any other middle class day out. A bizzare one I admit - I certainly didn't find it very entertaining last Friday night  :city:

This isn't really OUR club anymore.

Tinnnion IS a manager with no experience but HAS bags of passion.

Just look at the latest pictures of the man - he clearly looks troubled.

This is a living legend.

Please give the man a break - he does not deserve this disrespect.

He has not killed anyone or refused to sign the Kyoto agreement.



Possibly one of the worst anti "anti-Tinnion" posts yet if you ask me.

No, he hasn't killed anyone or signed the Kyoto agreement, he is a legend, he does have passion, he does look troubled, he doesn't have any managerial or coaching experience. I agree with all of this.

But half of this is not the problem. It is the lack of direction, invention and use of the resources at his disposal with which i have a problem.

I don't get where you're going or where you want to be with this one. Are you getting at us fans who are negative towards Tinnion as manager? Are you after having a pop at the board for the standard of half time entertainment and food?

If you remember back to last summer, we were made these promises (very similar to the season before) and i don't want to see us going through a manager every 6 games but i can, as anyone else who has ever met Tinnion can say - he's hardly the most charismatic of characters or leaders. You wouldn't walk over hot coals to work your hairy little nuts off.

What grates at a lot of us is that this was a PR stunt gone wrong, which the current manager himself has been orchestrating for several years.

He is not the man for the job, i said it last July and i am waiting with baited breath to say "i told you so" when the axe finally falls, or we fall further into footballing obscurity.

Your choice, either jump band wagons now or we'll wave to you as you fall of a cliff in that one!

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Guest Hampshire Red
For those of us who have been waiting for real success since we were in 1st division 30 years ago, please define OVERNIGHT. :city:

4 out 100 years in top flight football, hardly anything to write about.

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All these shouting TINNION OUT should be ashamed of themseleves.


Success is not going to arrive on a plate overnight. I'm hoping that the lack of patience from City boards of yore has gone but from the fans it appears not....having a new manager every 7 months is not going to improve anything - if you take off the rose tints, you will all realise this.

It's a sign of the times with football being a commercial enterprise now.

It's also an illusion that any of you will think that your sad misguided opinions will make a difference.

Just look at the sorry selection of overpriced and unattractive food & drinks ,avaliable next saturday ,before you take your seat to be deafined by some inbred karoake star - it's become just like any other middle class day out. A bizzare one I admit - I certainly didn't find it very entertaining last Friday night  :city:

This isn't really OUR club anymore.

Tinnnion IS a manager with no experience but HAS bags of passion.

Just look at the latest pictures of the man - he clearly looks troubled.

This is a living legend.

Please give the man a break - he does not deserve this disrespect.

He has not killed anyone or refused to sign the Kyoto agreement.



Tinnion a legend? My ass

Gow, Merrick, Richie......now that legends.

Tinnion should be troubled. he is making a complete pigs ear of the club I have supported for 47 years

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4 out 100 years in top flight football, hardly anything to write about.

9 out of 100 years of league football actually. 1906-11, 1976-80.

I admire Brian Tinnion's enthusiasm for BCFC and am upset that he may become THE current scapegoat for our 3rd division level football. The blame for our current plight really has to be levelled at relatively poor investment levels in the club over the past 90 years. Only Harry Dolman has put real wads of cash into this club in that period and he was a Londoner. Shame on the ducks arsehole type current Bristol business leaders, apart from Lansdown, who contribute so little to league football in this city in comparison to businessmen in other cities.

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For those of us who have been waiting for real success since we were in 1st division 30 years ago, please define OVERNIGHT. :city:

But that wasn't the point of the posting was it? No one needs reminding that we've been waiting 25 years for real success (though I guess this club's had more ups and downs than most others during that period).

NO manager since Alan Dicks has produced real success for this club. Cooper, Jordan and Ward are the ONLY managers in that period to have delivered ANYTHING. It also doesn't need repeating that Danny Wilson spent four years and a shed load of money in the transfer market and STILL FAILED. And was his first season in charge any more successful than this one (which, of course, is far from over)?

Whether or not we think/thought the appointment of Tinman was/is a good idea - and I don't/didn't - the fact remains he is our manager now and needs our support. He most certainly doesn't deserve anything resembling hatred and some of what's been said is just disgraceful and way out of proportion.

I'm not happy or indeed clappy at what's going on right now, but the mass-negativity around here is making the situation a whole lot worse.

Well said Mr Avalanche.

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Guest Hampshire Red
9 out of 100 years of league football actually. 1906-11, 1976-80.

I admire Brian Tinnion's enthusiasm for BCFC and am upset that he may become THE current scapegoat for our 3rd division level football. The blame for our current plight really has to be levelled at relatively poor investment levels in the club over the past 90 years. Only Harry Dolman has put real wads of cash into this club in that period and he was a Londoner. Shame on the ducks arsehole type current Bristol business leaders, apart from Lansdown, who contribute so little to league football in this city in comparison to businessmen in other cities.

Of course... who could forget those years

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But that wasn't the point of the posting was it? No one needs reminding that we've been waiting 25 years for real success (though I guess this club's had more ups and downs than most others during that period).

Well CR on rereading it (and rereading it :city: )I think I do see another point to it although it is still very contradictory.

What is suggests is that it is fine for Tinnion (The manager of the club) to have passion for it, however, it is not OK for us the paying fans, the ones who were here before, and will be after, him to show the same passion for the club by querying the decisions that "Mr Passion" makes. Why? Because "it is not our club anymore" as it is a business now.

As for wasting our time with our "sad misguided opinions", a strange attitude to take I feel. I hope he doesn't take it to the real world, if nothing the "little man" says, thinks or does matters then where are we heading?

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All these shouting TINNION OUT should be ashamed of themseleves.


Success is not going to arrive on a plate overnight. I'm hoping that the lack of patience from City boards of yore has gone but from the fans it appears not....having a new manager every 7 months is not going to improve anything - if you take off the rose tints, you will all realise this.

It's a sign of the times with football being a commercial enterprise now.

It's also an illusion that any of you will think that your sad misguided opinions will make a difference.

Just look at the sorry selection of overpriced and unattractive food & drinks ,avaliable next saturday ,before you take your seat to be deafined by some inbred karoake star - it's become just like any other middle class day out. A bizzare one I admit - I certainly didn't find it very entertaining last Friday night  :city:

This isn't really OUR club anymore.

Tinnnion IS a manager with no experience but HAS bags of passion.

Just look at the latest pictures of the man - he clearly looks troubled.

This is a living legend.

Please give the man a break - he does not deserve this disrespect.

He has not killed anyone or refused to sign the Kyoto agreement.



PERSPECTIVE. Have a look in the dictionary pal and see if you can obtain some.

"Just like any other ""Middle Class"" day out". What the ######g hell is that all about?

"Not our club" - whose is it then?

"Sad misguided opinions don't make a difference" - possibly not, but dwindling future season ticket sales will.

"Killing people? Kyoto Agreement?". No disrespect, but what planet are you on?

I have not been shouting "Tinnion Out" but I am far from happy with the football on offer and want to see some improvement. Surely my opinion is neither sad nor misguided and is actually within decent boundaries of perspective.

Why not read your own post again and see if you can say the same.

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Success is not going to arrive on a plate overnight

How many times, over how many years do we have to hear that?

It's also an illusion that any of you will think that your sad misguided opinions will make a difference.

But people are certainly entitled to express their opinions. :city:

This isn't really OUR club anymore.

Never has been, if we're honest about it. No more so than a cinemagoer can call the place they frequent THEIR cinema. :D

This is a living legend

Good grief. Get some perspective. He's a footballer who has spent his career in the lower divisions. Nobody outside of Bristol, or football in general, would have any idea who he is. I'm not criticising Tinnion at all. But to call any footballer a living legend is clearly ridiculous. :yawn:

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