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Fans At Ashton Gate

Guest silkman

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Guest silkman

I do have a slight problem with posters who think that the crowd can make the difference between promotion and mid table mediocrity. The crowd may inspire the team to a handful of additional victories a year but to get promotion the players have to believe in themselves. If the players lose confidence in themselves after a couple of poor performances then it suggests to me they haven't got the backbone to sustain a decent challenge for promotion. To blame the fans is rubbish. For example 2 years ago play-off semi vs Cardiff - atmosphere was fantastic - result knocked out (similarly Cardiff play-off final). Lets face it City have very few players who can be relied upon to stand up and be counted when the pressure comes on - thats why City fail to get promotion.

NB I have just read an article by a Crystal Palace fan referring to Highbury as the library - a lack of support from the fans doesn't affect Arsenal players belief and their (mostly) winning knack. Stop making excuses for the players.

If the fans make all the difference then lets pick a team from the crowd - we'll walk the division that way.

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That's a fair point, but no excuse really. The Ashton Gate atmosphere is not good enough right now. It's up to us all to improve it. A good atmos helps the players and improves the matchday experience overall. Hopefully when the new stand is built we can organise I good singing-only section. At the moment those who sing at away games are dispersed around the ground at Ashton Gate.


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we're not the only team in the football league to be silent at home. If you watch teams up north their fans are much more hostile. Try asking any midland teams I have a few friends up north and have been to their grounds and they get on the players backs much quicker than we do down here. Not that I'm excusing this. I think the players performances have been the sickener, if they put in the effort and don't succeed then fine but if you can see that they haven't put their heart into it after you have bothered to come and watch them play for £17 pounds or more then you have every entitlement to be disappointed. That's football for you :)

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Guest silkman
That's a fair point, but no excuse really.  The Ashton Gate atmosphere is not good enough right now.  It's up to us all to improve it.  A good atmos helps the players and improves the matchday experience overall.  Hopefully when the new stand is built we can organise I good singing-only section. At the moment those who sing at away games are dispersed around the ground at Ashton Gate.


Lets be honest - some of the performances served up at Ashton Gate have dulled even the most ardent sections of supporters - it has nothing to do with dispersal of the singers. There are concentrations of singing supporters but even they have been subdued by the dire performances served up the pitch this season. What improves the matchday experience is a good team performance - a good atmosphere comes with a good performance. Atmosphere is a bonus, performance is paramount.

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Here's my thoughts for what they are worth.

Football is always more enjoyable when there's a good atmosphere. FACT.

A good atmosphere is hard, but not impossible, to create when the team isn't playing well.FACT.

Players respond well when the crowd is behind them. FACT.

But I do think the crowd needs the players to at least look like they are up for the match, they maynot be the most skillful but if they show commitment on the pitch they do get the support. If they look half hearted and disinterested the crowd begins to feel that way. It gets to be a downward spiral then, the players need the crowd and the crowd need the players...

If you want to REALLY get a crowd going, unite ALL the City fans in ALL the stands and get them singing, then it's obvious...

You get a player on the opposing team that no one likes, someone a bit controversal, an ex player or even better an ex Gashead. That player gets involved in a few 'incidents' and we get a few dodgy decisions from the biased Ref. The crowd goes wild, it works every time... :)

You know it makes sense! :D

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Lets be honest - some of the performances served up at Ashton Gate have dulled even the most ardent sections of supporters - it has nothing to do with dispersal of the singers. There are concentrations of singing supporters but even they have been subdued by the dire performances served up the pitch this season. What improves the matchday experience is a good team performance - a good atmosphere comes with a good performance. Atmosphere is a bonus, performance is paramount.

City 4 Tranmere 0

Nothing wrong wih that atmosphere, that night.

Same ground, same crowd.

Different Performance.

Nuff said :)

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I thought the atmosphere at Colchester on Saturday was excellent. Lots of singing and lots of humour whilst the Essex faithful where largely quiet throughout. Then its almost a matter of honour to go to other grounds and show them who the best fans are.

At home its different, we rarely get large away followings and many teams seem to be more mute than our fans. I don't think this helps.

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Guest MaloneFM
Here's my thoughts for what they are worth.

Football is always more enjoyable when there's a good atmosphere. FACT.

A good atmosphere is hard, but not impossible, to create when the team isn't playing well.FACT.

Players respond well when the crowd is behind them. FACT.

If they are your thoughts..how can they be facts? And if they are facts..according to which research?

I used to be pedantic but I checked the small print and found I may be. Or may not be.

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If they are your thoughts..how can they be facts? And if they are facts..according to which research?

I used to be pedantic but I checked the small print and found I may be. Or may not be.

OK you win. I used a bit of leeway for emphasis. They are MY facts as I thought them, ok?! :)

I thought Bristol boy would have been the one who picked holes in my posts, he usually does. I've sunk to an all time low when Bristol Boy doesn't bother with me! :D

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