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Airing The Real Views Of Bristol City, Not....

Guest BlackthornRed

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Guest BlackthornRed

I'm very baffled by the way the club is conducting itself this season. It appears that we aren't sure what we want and who we want. Getting rid of players, left, right and centre strikes me as bad practice. The development for the new stand is a great, overdue idea but we cannot even fill what we have got, why get some more seats?.

Answers on a postcard.........

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I'm very baffled by the way the club is conducting itself this season. It appears that we aren't sure what we want and who we want. Getting rid of players, left, right and centre strikes me as bad practice. The development for the new stand is a great, overdue idea but we cannot even fill what we have got, why get some more seats?.

Answers on a postcard.........

Or answers in a full interview available to view for free on the Bristol City website.

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