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Hay Guess What


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The chap Glen Oliver in that list of Directors is one of a bunch of fans who put a loads of their own cash into buying out Port Vale when it was in administration.

Anyway he was telling me how they were straped for cash etc etc... and just had to pay a diplomatic 6 figure wage bill out of their own pocket as there attendace has droped bellow 5500 or sommit to break even.

So I parped up with but we bought Brooker of you chaps for loads of cash. Ne way he said they had to give watford 30K and 5% to the FA a load in agents fee's and that we wer'nt paying them that much as most of the cash we are paying is installments based.

Ne way just an Odd bit of gossip for you and odd for me that this is working with me on a project :ph34r:

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