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Phillips Or Gould


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With the signing of Gould I think he would now be my first choice keeper with the lack of a big ball winning central defender we need someone to command the area and collect crosses into the box, perfect example of was oldham goal tues. Don't get me wrong Phillips is a good keeper and saved us on many occasions with his shot stopping but I think we've leaked to many goals this season through aerial balls into the box. Goulds experience is going to be vital if we're going to have any chance of making the play offs.

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With the signing of Gould I think he would now be my first choice keeper with the lack of a big ball winning central defender we need someone to command the area and collect crosses into the box, perfect example of was oldham goal tues.  Don't get me wrong Phillips is a good keeper and saved us on many occasions with his shot stopping but I think we've leaked to many goals this season through aerial balls into the box. Goulds experience is going to be vital if we're going to have any chance of making the play offs.

On what do you base your decision?

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I'd keep phillips in , yes he makes the odd mistake and is a tad dodgy with crosses , but has kept us in games so much this season its unbeleivable. Gould is much better cover than we have so he would be my number 2 , ahead of davis and stowell , well i would have anyone in the pecking order ahead of stowell!!

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Are you mad? Phillips is the best keeper in the Division. All keepers concede goals, but I don't notice Phillips making the sort of mistakes made recently by Carroll, Dudek, etc. Gould is an adequate stand-by, no more. When will people learn to appreciate the talent we have here? I despair of this forum sometimes.

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Are you mad?  Phillips is the best keeper in the Division.  All keepers concede goals, but I don't notice Phillips making the sort of mistakes made recently by Carroll, Dudek, etc.  Gould is an adequate stand-by, no more.  When will people learn to appreciate the talent we have here?  I despair of this forum sometimes.


Stevie will remain our number 1 and hasn't really done anything to warrant being replaced by Gould.

Gould may be able to give Stevie a few tips here and there, but thats about it. I really cannot see Gould getting much action other than in the Reserves or unless Stevie gets injured/susended! :ph34r:

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Are you mad?  Phillips is the best keeper in the Division.  All keepers concede goals, but I don't notice Phillips making the sort of mistakes made recently by Carroll, Dudek, etc.  Gould is an adequate stand-by, no more.  When will people learn to appreciate the talent we have here?  I despair of this forum sometimes.

You should'nt despair as everyone has a right to post their ill-thought out and misguided opinions.

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