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Guest Harry May

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Guest Harry May

The saddest thing about the whole day was n't the fact that City played poorly in the second half. It was n't the fact that our wunder kid missed a couple of sitters. It was n't the fact that our "supporters" seen fit to boo off a young City team .

No , it was the fact that elderly gentlemen ( in their 60s/70s and possibly 80s ) who served our club so well, had their annual reunion today at the Gate.They were then seated in the front rows of the Family Enclosue. Seats that are hardly ever filled and totally exposed to the elements. These old boys were freezing their brass monkeys off.

Today was never going to be a sell-out. There was loads of empty seats in the Williams. They could have been seated there.

I am not stupid enough not to know , that football is all about money.But without showing respect to the past , we lose our history , tradition and Pride.

Would it have hurt our finances that much to give some old City players tickets in the Williams Stand ?

Caldicot Red.

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