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Wish I Had Driven A Couple Of Miles Down


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Reports state that Telford were well worth the win although their goalie made 4 outstanding saves. It seems they have some quality players on board: Lee Mills, Tony Naylor, Fitzroy Simpson and of cours Hulbert.

Dario was saying how much he was looking forward to not being the underdog for once and how a win today could line them up for a half million pay day in round 4 as they had last season when playing Everton. This money would enable them to keep hold of a player they might have to sell at the end of the season just to balance the books. Seems Division 1 is not the pot of gold some have argued on here that it is!!

Still have nightmares of our performance up at Barnsley :wacko:

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Seems Division 1 is not the pot of gold some have argued on here that it is!!

I think maybe it would have a bigger effect on our finances than it has on Crewe's due to a larger fanbase and the potential to attract more local business investment.

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